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______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Waiting until the last minute

This Darvish mess is a perfect example of why I'm waiting until the last minute to make my final keeper decisions. If I would have already cut down to my final keepers, I'd not be very happy right now. As it is, if they can make up their mind on how bad he is before our deadline, it won't hurt nearly as much as I have another player that I can replace him with. But I'm thinking if he does go under the knife, I should win some sort of award for first TJ surgery of the year and first player to be ruled out for the season. Hopefully we can make it to our draft before any more of these injuries pop up. Good health to everyone.

Re: Waiting until the last minute

Darvish definitely takes the prize as the highest profile player lost. Small consolation, but having it happen before keepers is a good thing.

Your team was way too good, anyway.

Re: Waiting until the last minute

Hopefully Tanaka will not beat him to the knife when he pitches.