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Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Scoring Adjustment

With CBS closing lineup changes well before the deadline and since I did get a phone call from Brian asking to put Crawford into his lineup 30 minutes before the deadline, it's only fair that I add Crawford's points to Giant Nation's point total for today.
Not sure what all you guys think about CBS, but I'm not too happy with them and the service they are giving us so far in 2015. It's causing much more work than in previous seasons.

Re: Scoring Adjustment

CBS is an irritation for all of us. I can only imagine what it is like for a Commish to have to correct all that mess.

Re: Scoring Adjustment

CBS suck in my opinion, too. I'm not sure what else might be better but I'm willing to change next year if you want to even if it ups the cost a little.

Re: Scoring Adjustment

I have heard from sources high in the league that we might be moving elsewhere next season. I am all for it.