Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Trying Something New

I have decided to try my luck at DFS (Daily Fantasy Sports) at Draft Kings. I ran across an article at Fantasy Assembly (address below) and it sounded interesting. I set up an account, deposited $25 and entered 3 contests yesterday. There are so many different contests to enter, I'm just going with the Beginners for now. One can use the beginners until 50 contests are used.
I won something in all 3 and my account is now up to $30.40. Yes, my bets were small.



Re: Trying Something New

I've played around with Fanduel a bit. Think I deposited $25 a couple of years ago and after winning a $5 hth match up yesterday my balance is now $35.06 I don't play very often as I barely have time to set my lineups for this game but it can be fun on a day like yesterday where there was a full slate of games and I only worked a half day. I've never tried Draft Kings before so now I'm curious as to which might be better or how they're different.

Good luck Jimi and let us know how you're doing.

Re: Trying Something New

I did not do it because I don't have a lot of gambling willpower if things went south. However, I saw a lot of the draft software was free if you made a deposit with Draft Kings. I might try that next year if you guys like it this year.