Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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League Chat

Does everybody have the league chat option on the right hand side of the live scoring page?

I have only seen a couple of post so far and it's kinda lonely, so far.

I liked it better last year when it was on the bottom of the page and didn't cover any of the scoring.

Re: League Chat

I'm having problems getting my posts to stay on the chat area. A couple have managed to stay but every other time I post on there they end up disappearing. When I leave they are there, when I come back they're gone. Very frustrating to say the least.

What everyone needs to do is tell CBS how you feel about their new look. Just click on the question mark in the upper right corner. When the page comes up, click on either Submit A Question or Site Feedback.

Today I asked about Look and Feel, a feature we had in the past, here's the reply.
"Regrettably, under our current product, the feature you are inquiring about is not available but we are working with our programmers to hopefully have this as an option for next year. We apologize for the inconvenience."

Re: League Chat

Yeah, chat is lame. I'll write a letter. Also lame on this site. I've tried multiple times on multiple computers with many edits trying to reply to you and Dick on the last post but get my reply flagged as "suspected advertising" or something like that. Frustrating times. Hopefully this one gets thru

Re: League Chat

If anybody is on facebook, let me know. I'd love to add you as a friend. It's a easy way to chat about baseball and other stuff.

Re: League Chat

I just sent Jimi an email about this.

My work computer doesn't even have the chat box. It's just not there. My home computer has the chat box but like others have pointed out, there's nothing ever there so I just assumed it wasn't working.

I miss the chat box because it's the only time I ever get to chat baseball with anyone anymore. My wife doesn't care if it's not about the Mariners, my kids aren't old enough to care yet, none of my co workers are into baseball and the CDM board is dead. So, you guys are it and I miss it

Re: League Chat

I also don't have the chat box at work..

Sure miss the old look..

What's not broken should not be fixed..

Re: League Chat

Ok, I think I've got this figured out (not for my work computer). Sorry if this is obvious but you need to click on the league icon to get the league chat. I was just clicking on individual team icon's and it would only let me send a message to that person. Sometimes with new stuff you just have to tinker until you figure it out but now that I have, I'll check in to see what's happening whenever possible.