Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Already Looking

With the new changes (yet again) at CBS it has me thinking about moving the OGBL to a new fantasy baseball site. I know that this is only week #3 and we have the whole season as well as the off season to think this over.
I've heard good things about Fantrax so I checked them out, here's the web address to some testimonials from fantrax users.


BTW, I filled out a survey at CBS the other day, I wasn't very kind, but I was truthful. Their product has been going downhill and this year is the worst so far.

Re: Already Looking

It is NOT too early to plan for next year. I am in one league in Fantrax and one in ESPN, and either one would be better than CBS. It is only Year 2 at Fantrax, so I do not know whether the format changes every few years. It has been several years at ESPN and it has not changed significantly in all that time. I speak only as a player. I have no idea how well either league works with Commissioners. I would venture a guess that it would be easier than dealing with CBS. I am sure there are other sites as well- Yahoo and Fox come to mind.

Re: Already Looking

find us a good home jimi.