Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Trade sinners

I post this message just about every year it seems. If someone gives you a trade offer and you are not going to approve or disapprove it in a day or two, the least you can do is acknowledge you saw it and are considering it. This time its I sent Brian and BobH trade emails a week ago and have not heard boo. However, in the past there have been other sinners to this issue.

Re: Trade sinners

The problem might be that the trading period is not officially open yet, Barry. So why would anyone accept a trade now when they could receive a better offer when the trading period starts in approx. 2 weeks. You might be "jumping the gun" here pal.

Re: Trade sinners

Barry, we're all different when it comes to playing this game. Our season just ended and some might be taking a break from it. Since you mentioned that you have experienced this same thing before, maybe it's the norm and you just have to accept it. One way is to quit offering trades to those who have ignored your offers in the past, or maybe just wait till later in the winter and try again.

Re: Trade sinners

Barry - If someone doesn't respond right away then just assume that they are still laughing. Sometimes it takes a while to regain one's composure.

Just kidding, bro