Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Did all the pending trades get wiped away?

Mark told me that they were working on the site today. Just came home and my pending trades are gone. :-(

Re: Did all the pending trades get wiped away?

Hard to believe but I can't help you because I didn't have any pending trades.

Re: Did all the pending trades get wiped away?

I can't talk about trades but all of the "on the blocks" were wiped out.

Re: Did all the pending trades get wiped away?

Earlier today I logged into our CBS site and it said they were working on the site. When I came back later the site was up and running. This is the first I have heard that something is missing.
I'm thinking everyone who had made trade offers will need to re enter them if they still want to try and make the trade, not much else can be done at this point. I guess you could put in a complaint with CBS, but I doubt that it would restore the lost data.
This is why I now wait until January before I start working on the OGBL schedule. CBS has wiped out all my work more than once with an unannounced maintenance.

Re: Did all the pending trades get wiped away?

No, it's ok Jimi. I make crappy trades anyway. They are probably just trying to save me from myself. :-)

Good one Ray