Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Xmas Gift

Hey Jimi: Thanks for the Xmas Gift, but I am going to refuse it with all respect. First let me tell you that none of these 11 guys are anywhere "nice" enough to "let" anyone win at this league. Second, your team just happen to get lucky at the right time this past season; just like mine did 4 yrs. ago. Third, you're putting enough time and effort to run this league without ever asking for anything back except our friendship. So, just speaking for myself, I am going to send my check not for the amount you ask this year, but for the amount I sent last year. And last, if you really, really want to give me a Xmas gift, how about trading Bumgarner for Ben Revere. Now that will really be giving me a true Christmas gift.

Re: Christmas Gift

Now, Now Jose. Thank you for the kind words and thoughtfulness on your part, but I meant what I said. Since I won last year I feel I can pay out the 149.99 and give you all a small break in the price.
I can't stop you from adding the 12.50 to your entry fee but please understand that this is my way of thanking each of you for being a part of the OGBL.

Merry Christmas To All Of You And Your Families

Re: Xmas Gift

Merry Christmas Jose,

Thanks for saving me all the typing. I'm with you on this one.

Merry Christmas Jimi,

And to add to Jose I'm buying you dinner next summer. You're the greatest.


Re: Christmas Gift

You are quite a guy Jimbo. I'm still gonna go with Jose on this one and send $72.50. You won fair and square and should enjoy your victory to the fullest, especially since we are all planning on beatin your @$$ this year.