Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Baseball starts tomorrow

It seems I might be the only college baseball fan in the group but for those of us who are, the season starts this weekend. Oregon State plays their first game tomorrow and since we're ranked in the top 8 in every poll, expectations are high. One of the best things about being a college fan is the early start to the season. Starting Saturday, I'll be checking box scores and scouting players for the next prospect draft. Hint, the Beavers first baseman was named best at his position in all of college baseball and he's only a sophomore. Play ball!

Re: Baseball starts tomorrow

There was a good local article on the fact there is like one Senior on the team and hardly any Juniors even. Crazy stuff. K.J. was the first basemen if I remember correct. Tough travel year for us but I'd love to still someday catch a game at OSU. I really need a PC too, typing this on an IPhone sucks. Tax return coming soon :)