Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Welcome Walter

Walter has accepted our offer to come aboard the OGBL replacing BobO's 20th Maine. Bob will be greatly missed by all, but with Walter stepping in we will have another quality guy in his place.

Walter is a fantasy Baseball veteran who plays at CDM, ESPN, and FanTrax as well as other fantasy sites. You can also find him at Couchmanagers under the name of "goh network".

Great to have you Walter!

Re: Welcome Walter

Welcome Walter and good luck Bob, stay in touch with us!

I haven't been on CDM in years but wasn't Walter a statistics guy? At any rate, welcome Walter!


Re: Welcome Walter

Hi Walter and welcome. Look forward to some fun baseball together.

Re: Welcome Walter

Welcome, Walter. I knew the name was familiar and now I know why.

Re: Welcome Walter

Jimi, just alerted me to this forum. Yeah, I used to write a column for the "Hot Sheet" which was associated with CDM back in the day. Also, have done a bit of writing for Fantrax as well. It's a lot of work for not much compensation. I did, however, use my opportunity at Fantrax to help my son get a foot in the door. He wound up getting an obscure gig at ESPN, then Scouts.com, and eventually at Baseball Prospectus where he started getting noticed by the real-life baseball community. He parlayed that into an internship and eventually a full-time gig in the font office for the Angels.

Re: Welcome Walter

Sounds like you son is doing you proud.

I could never get my two boys interested in the game. They both thought baseball was too slow.

Now they both play fantasy football but still don't consider fantasy baseball even to humor their old Dad.

Re: Welcome Walter

Yeah, when Chris was playing Fantasy Baseball with us, he was the only one under 50. lol Seems like baseball (or is it just Fantasy Baseball) is an old man's sport. I have to say that post-season baseball is a different animal. What a great World Series game tonight.................13-12 no less.

Re: Welcome Walter

Welcome Walter. Glad to have you in the league. Good luck. It's a great bunch.

Re: Welcome Walter

Thanks, Earl!