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______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Qualifying Offer decisions

I don't know why Reds did not give Cozart a QO. Although $17M is a lot for him, at his age coming off a career year, was he likely to give up his one shot at a multi-year deal for semi-big bucks?

Likewise, why did Holland reject his QO? $17M is about a year and a half for a closer. Was he that afraid to close for Rox again for fear of really being bad?

Re: Qualifying Offer decisions

They are the type that are hoping to get a 3-4 year deal in the 12-14 million range per year, so this would be a case that the final sum is at least double the 17 million offered. They have proven they belong in the big show and they can do the job; now they have to find the team that believes it.