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______________2008 - 2018______________

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Boras and Nats

Seems whenever Boras has a client he can't sell (Weiters in 2016, Arrieta in 2017) he comes to Nats to help him save face. That may have helped Nats get Stasburg for a reasonable price. Now I hear there is some movement on Harper. It will not be a give away but he will at least give Nats a fighting chance to lock him up before the market gets crazy.

Personally I don't think Learner will sign Harper. Although they are one of the richest owners they tend to not be the guys pushing records. Heck I have heard Harper could get close to a half Billion. I don't see Nats offering more than Stanton's $300M. Will Boras (and the Union) let him sign that cheaply even if Harper thought that would set him for life?