Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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11 Day Period

Being that the first period has 11 days it will have an effect in our league records. Looks like we'll be seeing some asterisks.
Two players made it past 40 points today. Since it was done on the 7th day there will be no asterisk by P.Corbin-42.67 and F.Freeman-41. Everyone else who makes it this period will have one*.

Re: 11 Day Period

How about noting nothing at all except those 2. Don't go through all the trouble, we all know it's not a normal week...

Re: 11 Day Period

Since it was never brought up, what happens with the 11 day high point week. Will it count for the overall high point weeks for the year, if no one scores more in subsequent 7 day weeks?

Re: 11 Day Period

Now that it has been brought up it can be said that this weeks winner will not be eligible for the OA high point week award.
Thanks for mentioning it Ray.

Re: 11 Day Period

Let's not be so hasty Jimi. I'm starting to catch up, today. :joy: