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So Confused

Hi Everyone,

This is my first time I am writing on anything of this nature, I have not seen a Doc and am not sure if I have PND, but reading everyone’s comment and concerns I feel more like I am than before.
My little boy is now 9 month and for the past 1.5 months, he just doesn’t sleep, up every 2 hours like clockwork!! I have become so irritated with him, and feel like such a terrible mother, even my husband says he can’t stand to watch the way I am with him.
I have no idea what to do, if this is normal or should I be doing something.
I feel so overwhelmed, he clings to me literally like a little monkey never leaving my sight, and if I walk down the passage he starts crying. All I wish for in the evenings is that he goes to sleep so I can have a break, and then to only have him wake up every two hours!!

My husband is really no help and can’t understand why I withdraw from him…

Don’t want to go on for ever, feel like such a moaner, but I know I need to chat to others about this. Is there light at the end of this Dark tunnel?

Re: So Confused

Stop beating your self up! Your not a bad mum, I recognise how you feel- go to your gp or health visitor and teel them how your feeling!!!
They can give advise, offer help and you'll start to feel better. Everyone needs a break sometimes, my husband doesn't get me either so you'r not alone! be kind to yourself and go to a mums and tots group if you can- get out with baby as much as you can, go swimming, to the park and have fun together.It gets easier and they get more independant as they get older, before you know it he'l be going into school refusing to give you a goodbye kiss in front of his mates!! Keep you'r chin up :) Emma x