Overcoming PND Forum

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i am so confused the doctor put me on medication for pnd but i hate taking any medication normally and more so now cos i am breast feeding.My days are so confsing. This mornng I was on cloud 9 but now I am scared and anxious. My mood seem sto change in a second and i hate the fact of my husband has to go out even if it is to work. He has already taken more time off than we can afford so we are now struggling fnancially. Most of my friends and family dont know bout this and i dont feel that they should know but i will have no support otherwise. please help this all feels a bit much and very dramatic even though i am just trying to be honest

Re: confused

I only told a very few people about my PND, but if people don't know, they cannot help. My husband particularly wishes we had involved more people - think it would have provided him support so he could then support me more. It is so hard to admit and I still hate saying those words "i have had pnd..." but, it could have made things much easier - maybe try one person at a time and test the support level. does show you who is a good friend and who less so though... Good luck xx