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i was diagnosed with pnd just over 2 weeks ago and have been taking sertraline since. one of the symptoms bothering me most is depersonalisation. ive rea this is caused by anxiety and will go when i stop worrying about it. i have noticed an improvement since taking the medication but was wondering how long this takes to go, and does it go gradually or do you just wake up feeling completely better.any replies much appreciated,

Re: depersonalisation

Hi Kim,
I have been on sertraline for 5 months now. It takes a while for the tablets to work. You do not notice a huge difference over night, just things improving slowly until one day you see hints of the "old you" re-surfacing.
I also suffered from depersonalisation and only get it every now and again on my bad days which thankfully are getting few and further between.
It's tough starting off but you are two weeks done so well done!