Overcoming PND Forum

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Overcoming PND Forum
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Why is this happening?

Hi guys. I've been suffering with pnd for about 3 months now and have 2 daughters, 2 yrs old and 4 months old. I didn't suffer this the first time round so was pretty shocked to be feeling this way with my second baby. I'm constantly blaming myself for feeling rubbish as my little one wasn't necessarily expected so soon after our first and I wasn't exactly over the moon to begin with
My GP gave me fluoxetine which seemed to work to being with and then I realised that when I'm up, I'm up, but when I'm down, it's like I've hit rock bottom! They upped my dose and will check on me in a week or so, but I still feel the same.
I admit I'm not helping myself because I do have a couple of glasses of wine pretty much every night and sometimes more than 2. It makes me feel better, but now I worry I'm getting a drinking problem.
Just feel like I'm going round in circles. My husband is great, and I love my girls but I feel it's just me that's the problem. I'm asking myself constantly 'what is the point of me at the moment?'
Not sure if anyone is having the same kind of problems, but would be great to hear from someone who gets it. I'm going out of my mind and have lost confidence and feel like I'm losing myself.