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Help I have lost control

I am a mum of 4 children and my youngest is 5wks old he was born at 34 wks and it was all very stressful and because of the other children I was in hospital and spent alot of time alone and felt very isolated. Also my husbands work did not pay any pertinity pay so in feb only got 1/3 of his salary. Since being home have felt like I am drowning feel as if doing such a bad job as a mother and someone is going to take my children away, my behaviour has become irrational, the house is spotless and cleaned everyday, I have sold all our DVDs and CDs and cleaned out all my belongs and my old clothes instead of taking them to charity, I took them back to a shops with new labels in from the shop on several occasions just to collect gifts cards, I have now been arrested and am being investigated. I don't know what I was thinking felt so insignificant that no one would notice me, my husband says it was a cry for help as I told him about how guilty I feel about baby coming early, how useless I feel and that I am convinced everyone would be better off without me, I go to bed everyday hoping not to wake up. Help