Overcoming PND Forum

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Overcoming PND Forum
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I have just been diagonised with pnd, and at moment all I want to do is curl up in a ball and die, think my family would b so much better without me, I don't know who I am any more and all I keep doing is to try and keep going I don't even want to get out of bed. I can't do this anymore

Re: Help

hi, hunni, u need to try focus. did the doc prescribe u something? it may take a couple of weeks to notice a change, but it will get better. remmeber you have done something wonderful, growing a human being, having a baby is not as easy as some make it out. is there someone else with u? u need support from ur family right now. dont write urself off hunni. that wee baby needs mummy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtake care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx