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Rigging Guide & Spinnaker Chute

Hi All!

We are soon to be the proud owners of boat number 3484 and cannot wait to get her out on the water at Bexhill Sailing Club.

Being a complete newbie to Miracles, I would really appreciate if there is a rigging guide anyone can point me to. I know I will be able to work it out and we have a few Miracle owners at the club, but would love to have something I can refer to!

Secondly, our Miracle comes without a spinnaker or chute, and was wondering what people would recommend to fly a spinny (i.e. is there a standard kit, a bag setup known to Miracle owners, should I cut a hole in the bow to GRP a chute in, etc, etc).

Thanks in advance,


Re: Rigging Guide & Spinnaker Chute

Did you ever find a rigging guide Darren as I am new to the Miracle and have been looking for one?



Re: Rigging Guide & Spinnaker Chute

Hi Paul,

Afraid not. I located the tuning guide on the Roll of Honour section, but no official rigging guide.

Still would love to find one if there is such a thing out there!

