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Am i Really untalented?

Hi everyone,ive discovered that the business im in is really brutal,and i seem to be bearing the brunt. I ve recently opened a little studio in a town near to me and the i recieved this email:-

How can anybody, including yourself look at ANY of your scratchings ( so called tattoos) and firstly not laugh, but then wince because those are REAL people you're ******* up there. If you believe that you even have an ounce of talent, then im sorry love but you're seriously deluding yourself. People like yourself give REAL TATTOO ARTISTS a bad name. Wise up and get a job where by it doesn't involve butchering people. Nice dog portrate by the way!!! ( and yes I am being sarcastic!!) Thats the single most ****** up tattoo ive ever seen in all my experience with tattoos, and you've taken a photo of the monstrosity and posted it on the web!! Are you proud of it or something? What a joke. If you want to know what a REAL TATTOO ARTISTS work looks like, check out the boys on the Dancool website.

its really knocked me for 6,he also posted on my website saying i was very limited artistically,and would end up being sued and shut down. Ive never recieved a complaint about my work and was shocked at such a personal assault on me. be honest people,i need to know wot to do,i feel like i have a black hole inside me,if im rubbish then fair enough-i will quit. but i need honest opinions. thankyou. xxx

Favorite Froud Book? goblins

Re: Am i Really untalented?

Don't be silly. No artist, no matter how talented, is universally loved, and there will always be at least a few people who'll slam their work - often cruelly.

Re: Am i Really untalented?

thanks for that but did you view my work?

Favorite Froud Book? goblins

Re: Am i Really untalented?

Fairybry..where can I find a link to your work ?
I tend to agree that it's impossible to please everyone, and some people take joy in hurting others....but the people here do and will, I think, give you good critism!
Take care

Re: Am i Really untalented?

hiya,this was a little worse than criticism,and he just happens to run a tattoo shop down the road. suspicous?

Favorite Froud Book? goblins

Re: Am i Really untalented?

I just found it..sorry!
I like your work! Whoever says you have no talent...I don't know what they are comparing it to..but it's not true, in my opinion!
Some people just like to crush other people...who knows why...Don't take it personally.
You do great work from what I see on the site and if no customers have complained...what does it matter what some troll has emailed/posted?
Whenever we put art out there will be people that don't appreciate it but as long as the people it's meant for appreicate it (your customers) that is all that matters IMO.

Re: Am i Really untalented?

oh laiste,thankyou so much,you have no idea how much that means,im sure he wouldnt have bothered if i was a bloke! xxxxxx

Favorite Froud Book? goblins

Re: Am i Really untalented?

Yes, I looked, your work is fine. The guy down the street probably just wants to shut down competition. Don't let him discourage you.

Re: Am i Really untalented?

I think your work is gorgeous! You can tell that snot nosed butt wipe this, froM ME TO HIM...when I get my tattoo done, it will be with you and not him.
The fellow souds unintelligent, judging your work so unjustly and using cursewords so often. You tell him I say he's an a**! I'm mad now,I hate dowers like him. He has no stinking reason to be...he's just a downer.
He's just jealous. He wants to bump you off "his territory" rather than encouraging you as a fellow artist should.

Did you give him a good nip in the hiny? Because if you haven't, give me his e mail address and I will!

-Good Thoughts, Alex

Re: Am i Really untalented?

what a little ------------. do not listen to people like that. Its just his option about yoru work. You must be a pretty good artist if you have people coming to youa nd getting tattoos, do not let him beat you down. he would win then and do you want some -------- like him to get one over on ya? Im am sure you don't. be strong and keep going with your work. As lomg as you have customers and people atht enjoy your work then what he says shouldn't matter.

Favorite Froud Book? Don\\'t make me choose a fav. Luv em all!

Re: Am i Really untalented?

I think your tattoo work looks good, fairybry! Apparently so do the numerous people who've given you their business; looks like you've got a decent amount of clientele. I agree with Pyrian, about the guy down the road wanting to shut out the competition. That guy probably felt threatened enough by you to want to take action and insult you, try to undermine your confidence.

I was impressed by the big knight (St. George?) and dragon back tatt.

Re: Am i Really untalented?

fairybry, your work is fantastic, and you are showing exactly what it is you have done, and can do, in order to get your clientele....and they like it. so, there's your answer.
this guy has what i would call a good case of "poverty consciousness" meaning he is letting his fear of scarcity rule him, thus insulting you in an effort to get you to quit, or move your business elsewhere, so that you won't be competition for him. he may not even realize it, he may think his insults are sincere, but clearly, he has a subconscious motivation based in feeling threatened by your business......
tee hee, you can almost take it as a compliment! if you suck so much, why is he so threatened?
trust me, as an artist (musician) and a business owner myself, i have seen my share of this type of person, and it hurts bad doesn't it. been there.
but don't be fooled my dear.
a big compassionate hug, and loads of encouragement to you!!!!
this is a test! i repeat, this is only a test!
believe in yourself......

Re: Am i Really untalented?

wow,thankyou so much,merry? you are very insightful! i never looked at it that way. i so appreciate everything you have all said,it brings a tear to my eye to be surrounded by so much support. thankyou. alexandra? chuck me a mail,i didnt reply to his email,you know wot name he used? judas lord!!!!!
crazy fool.

Favorite Froud Book? goblins

Re: Am i Really untalented?

I agree with all comments here; your artwork is superb.

Do not be put off by someone who uses profanity to make his point. Oh, and spells "Portrait" as "Portrate".
Dear me!

Some people regard success as some form of cake, divided into slices, and get excessively frightened that everyone is getting a piece of that cake except them.
Success is both personal and infinite.

Favorite Froud Book? Good Faeries/Bad Faeries

Re: Am i Really untalented?

I like that phrase Merry used..."poverty consciousness"...that is so right on!
Merry--May I borrow it?

Re: Am i Really untalented?

Enchanted oaks,i just peeked at your website and from one artist to another,your work is fabulous. Your opinion of my work counted for a lot thankyou. [your so pretty too!] do you sell your work at all? i was looking at ooak t-shirts but could see no prices etc.
And thankyou also Nanny Redcap-yes its st george and the dragon,it took about 10 hrs in all,in 2 hour bits and i drew the idea from scratch so its completely ooak.

Favorite Froud Book? goblins

Re: Am i Really untalented?

I'm glad you're feeling more positive, Fairybry!
I truly did think your work was excellent.

To answer your question, I do sell my work; mostly I sell my sculptures on Ebay. {Its a personal website I set up, not a business one, you see}
Do you know, I'd actually forgotten about those ooak tshirts!! I try out so many different crafts, and I did them so long ago now ...
If you really like them then you'd be very welcome to one; they're just sitting up in the loft right now so it would be nice if someone got some fun out of them

Feel free to email me, my friend ...

Favorite Froud Book? Good Faeries/Bad Faeries

Re: Am i Really untalented?

Opinions are like *******s, Fairybry....Everybody's got one and they usually stink! Keep doing what your doing you have alot of wonderful pieces. (I have a couple of Froud pieces on my myspace page there's a link at the bottom! check 'em out!) Anyway, I especially like the pixies you did. Don't let anyone stop you from doing what you love!

Favorite Froud Book? Good faeries bad

Re: Am i Really untalented?

Just one more question....How close are you to his shop? His clients might be going to you instead and he's just sore about it.

Favorite Froud Book? Good faeries bad

Re: Am i Really untalented?

hey fizzgig,well im kinda just round the corner. he is stuck down an alley way behind a hotel and im in a nice airy gym next to a main road.which is one way,so everyone coming into the town has to drive past us. and we are right behind a carpark and opposite the bus station. but he is an award winning tattoo artist,been there for 25 years. he has a 6 month waiting list! i dont know. im my own worst critic so im all too ready to believe someone whoe says im crap. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Favorite Froud Book? goblins

Re: Am i Really untalented?

oh i am the same way fairybry...
it's not fun at all and puts one in a vulnerable position with the rest of the mean world...
well, we are all on a path towards true self love here, discovering our strengths and weaknesses, accepting our gifts and gaining the courage to share those gifts with the unpredictable outside world, and learning to truly believe in ourselves (which leads to true self empowerment)
and so i hope this terrible ordeal has brought you some reflections that will be useful in your process towards fulfilling your own greatest potential...i am sure such criticism has caused you to really self reflect, and if you're anything like me this will just motivate you to strive for ever more greatness and mastery in your chosen work.....
if this guy is an award winning artist who has been at his profession for so very long, remember when you reach that place on your path, to be kind and gentle to the up and coming artists who spring up around supportive of those just beginning, when you are seasoned and wise, like he should be by now!
remember to have "abundance consciousness" and then there is enough for everyone always! we just add to the abundance and pass it on when we are generous hearts.....
and of course laiste you can borrow the term "poverty consciousness" there's enough for all!

Re: Am i Really untalented?

what good advice,i will keep myself grounded for sure [if i last that long!] and guide my daughter also. she wants to follow in my footsteps,she is only 11 at the mo. we will make it together!
I do strive for perfection-im just not sure im capable! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Favorite Froud Book? goblins

Re: Am i Really untalented?


Fear not my friend as your work is just wonderful,we all have been in that space where we doubt our selves and worry what people think (a big one for me)its just a part of life and the trick is to LET IT GO !!!!!

Of course it doesn't help when there are people who are just cruel/unkind/hateful and let me tell you the best thing to do with these type of people,don't show them that their words have effected you,laugh, smile and sing and even whistle, believe me that ****** them off more than anything when they realize that their immature attitude didn't even register in your thoughts.

Keep up the good work.....

faerie blessings

Re: Am i Really untalented?

many thanx maria.the suport here is astounding,i really appreciate everyone taking the time to make me feel better and believe in myself. lets hope my business booms and i will be able to hand the reins over to my daughter in the future! xxxxxxxxxxxx much love to all.

Favorite Froud Book? goblins

Re: Am i Really untalented?

For whatever my opinion is worth I seem to like your work.
I happen to have a Four tattoo on my leg and although it's alittle more intricate than you tattoo's seem to be I souldn't call it any better

Favorite Froud Book? all

Re: Am i Really untalented?

hi lainie,any chance i can see your tattoo? always good to see other work! and thankyou,of course your opinion counts for everything. xx

Favorite Froud Book? goblins

Re: Am i Really untalented?

Usually, when people go out of their way to slam your talent.. (especially if it is business related and they have a shop down the road) is because they want to monopolize the area and are dimwitted enough to think that intimidating competition will give them an edge.

Some tatoo artists (or fans) love only diabolic looking tatoos --- like skulls with snakes coming out of them, or demons, etc., and anything pretty with true beauty is lame to them.

So ... consider the source. The profane little jerk that sent the letter has minor intelligence and just wasted a stamp being unprofessional.

Favorite Froud Book? Fairy Oracle Cards

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