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Specific faery guides

I'm throwing out a question for all of you. The ones who have guides, do they change from season to season? From life phase to life phase? More importantly, do they change from one element to another?

Years ago, I had a fierce black panther and bird guides in my dreams, spirits of the earth and the air. NOW, it has changed to water. I went through an initiation of sorts with a shark in an indoor enclosed pool with a high glass wall about a month ago. And last night, I dreamed I walked down an aisle in a huge theater and looked at the screen, which I realized was a real land, or soul, scape. Three guides appeared on the shore to me, leaning up out of the water as if they were introducing themselves to me. the first was a dolphin, the second for some reason I can't remember, and the third a very majestic looking long, lean killer whale.

The shark dream I put in my online dream journal and will just copy and paste it here. It's long winded, so if you don't have time, come back later or just use the most psychadellic, psychotic visual you can imagine;) And NO, I did NOT take this guy back. I blocked my phone number. Still have some regrets but it's for the best. One of my psychic friends told me when I relayed this that now I have the power of the shark, that I can make firm decisions without second thoughts or wishy washing(goodbye, Indie, been nice knowing ya!)

This was more like a sad and frightening nightmare. I've been having angst about making a decision to let my boyfriend of two years go because of constant problems. He's currently in jail and will be for several months. I love him to death, but every time I try to live with him, he makes financial and physical demands of me that wipe me out. He also struggles with alcoholism. Now, I get a letter from him saying he loves me and wants me to be his wife! I'm struggling with trying to resist writing him back, because if I do this will just drag on and on. I don't want to live without the love I'd get from him, and the ego boost that comes with it, but I don't want to live with the constant demands to buy things he dosen't need, the alcoholic fits of rage, the grabbing, slapping and biting, weird impulses to drive all over the country, and other things I don't feel like mentioning here. It's long list. And I have my family, who hates him with a purple passion, to answer to. I've spent over a thousand on this guy that I could have saved to go to Paris in May of 2010. That's what I'm trying to recover now, but bills and car repairs keep getting in the way, so I don't know. That's depressing me too. But here's the dream:

I run into Chris in some building and he says he wants to spend time with me, so we go outside where it's nighttime. It looks almost like my hometown in Vancouver Washington because everything is so green and there are a lot of hills. He starts out being really loving toward me as we walk but then he sees this other girl and seems to forget I'm there. I can't understand his attraction to her, because she looks like this one coworker who's almost anorexic skinny and not that pretty. But he cups her face in his hands and kisses her, then follows her everywhere. He won't even look at me and I get more and more frustrated, angry and desperate to get his attention. I follow them all over this landscape then we eventually get into another building. Here's when things get weird. He goes into this enclosed big pool with a glass wall around it in front and porcelain tile in the back and sides. At first, there is no water in it and I confront him in there and ask him why he's ignoring me. I also reprimand him for kissing that girl and showing so much affection to her, saying "You never cupped MY face in your hands and kissed me like that!" He wouldn't answer me, just looked at me, then went back to whatever he was doing. That's when I looked down at the pool floor and noticed his trademark name griMdaZe in big rounded gothic letters in red stenciled into the concrete bottom. It looked suspiciously like blood. That creeped me out so I walked out of the pool. I went to do something I can't remember but I know I left the room for awhile. When I came back the whole thing was filled with water, and he was feeding sharks! None of them seemed to think he was human because they didn't try to eat him or attack. They just circled around. Ok, here's one thing that didn't make any sense. Despite the fact that the entire enclosure was filled with water, there was a crack on the side between the porcelein wall and where the glass wall ended. But still the water didn't spill out. NOW for the fun stuff...

This shark noticed me and swam up to the glass. He was sentient, he could talk. He was supernatural because he emanated an aura of power and dominance. But it was his EYES that scared me and fascinated me. The whole time he was looking at me, they would flash different color patterns like a kalidescope, and they also had an inner lid that flipped up and down a few times. Something told me that if I stared him down, he'd know I had no fear and would go away. But that didn't happen. It worked at first, but then his eyes started flashing in these really creepy ways. I heard him make these weird noises low in his throat. Then he said in this bass, menacing voice, "so pretty!" and finally let loose a low rolling growl. His eyes narrowed and flashed brighter and that's when I almost passed out in fear. Then I woke up. I knew the sucker was gonna try to get through the glass and eat me. But it was more than physical fear, it was spiritual, like he was going to consume my soul. How more threatening can you get than that?
# Themes
# Action
# Aggression
# Authority
# Dramatic
# Failure
# Loss
# Mortality
# Relationships
# Spiritual
# Sexuality
# Transition
# Violence
# Settings
# Distorted
# Familiar
# Indoors
# Night
# Outdoors
# Present
# Town/ City
# Characters
# Creatures
# Familiar
# Significant Other
# Emotions
# Abandoned
# Anger
# Anxiety
# Confusion
# Fear/ Dread
# Helpless
# Lonely
# Rage
# Sadness
# Shock
# Worry
# Activities
# Auditory
# Fighting
# Movement
# Physical
# Problem Solving
# Searching
# Thinking
# Visual
intense jealousy
fear Add'l Emotions
intense jealousy
primal fear

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Dream analysis

It is likely that your dream is letting you know that your ex(?) would not like to have children, he is interested in the skinny (infertily) archetype. he would probably be an unsuitable father anyway. Sarks relate to ambition, and meeting a shark in your dream can relate to career, or someone having ambitions upon you. Although you are scared, this is not neccessarily a bad omen. Sharks hang around on currents, they have a heart, and big shark don't need to eat vey often at all, like every six days or something. So, what I'm saying is you may get swallowed by your ambition or be seduced by an impressive partener that you can't resist. Don't worry about being 'cracked'. It won't affect you too much.

Don't worry so much about the emotional themes in the dreams. These are often indications of your reactions rather than holding key information about the actual message of the dream.

Re: Specific faery guides

When I was reading your dream, the first thing that came to me regarding the sharks in the pool was your boyfriend is out of control in his life, and his out-of-control'ness will also affect your life negatively if you bond with him.

Also the shark at the end of the dream seems like some kind of negative entity shapeshifted into this form in your dream.. the same negative entity that has your boyfriend in his grasp.

When this "shark" said, "so pretty" to you , it actually is probably something related to what your boyfriend says to you alot to get your attention.. and it is a way that this negative entity (in the form of the shark in your dream) operates.. through flattery to gain your appeal.

Be very wary of this "modus operandi" because this entity knows your emotional weak spots, and knows how to use your boyfriend to get to you.

Your boyfriend is already under this entities control..which is why he was not being attacked by the sharks that were circling him in the dream.

When a person is an alcoholic, or drug user, etc., they open a door in their energy field to negative entities waiting to take advantage, so you boyfriend may need some big time cleansing help.

The Priestess's post above mine is right about the fact that this guy is attracted to that type of woman that he is hanging with in the beginning of this dream.. If you guys got married, and got pregnant , I would not be surprised that he would be sniffing around at single young , very thin women .

His attraction to you is not love, but something that stems from his own needs to feel good about himself and boost his ego,..

If you ever were disfigured, or lost your hair to chemotherapy, he wouldnt be the type to stick around for you.

You are afraid to leave him completely, because you need what confidence he is making you feel, but his flattery is not sincere.. and does stem from that entity that is trying to reach you through him.

You must know that you are a beautiful person and worthy to be alive.. and you have something individual- all your own, to offer people. As there are many types of fairies, there are also many types of humans, and you are your own type of beauty.

My feelings are to seperate all ties from this guy and when you do... You will be prepared for someone who really truly is destined for you--who will appreciate you and not use you... who will have Beings of Light around him, instead of a slave to a dark entity.

Favorite Froud Book? Fairy Oracle Cards

Re: Specific faery guides

Yes, it does make sense that you may meet the Shark through your ex(?), because you were in the same pool. Still not convinced that the shark is a negative thing.

Do let us know what happens

- Light

Re: Specific faery guides

I have to agree with both of you for different makes sense, and this was something I always suspected, that Chris had bad spirits around him, partly because of his addictions. At the same time though, I feel that Priestess is also right in that the shark was a dark faery/spirit guide there to warn and even initiate me in some way. I hate to admit that I was in the relationship for the same reasons as he was, because it boosted my ego that a nerdy reserved older woman can snag a hot, sexy younger guy(I'm 42, he's 33), because most of my life I've felt inferior to other women who were bigger and sexier than me. And no, he dosen't go for the skinnier women, but the ones who are bigger boned and taller than me. Yeah, he's attracted to me, but the big beautiful ones REALLY get him fired up. And that's what I've always felt insecure about and jealous of. So our relationship was mostly superficial and more about ego than love. We had absolutely NOTHING in common but sex and some superficial emotional attachment. And by the time he finally decided he wanted to marry me, I was the one pushing him away because of going through a year and a half of sheer hell with only moments of pleasure and joy. Most of the time, we argued(mostly about money and other women) and clashed over almost everything. To make it worse, he gets on MySpace and decides to adopt the satanist beliefs! I don't want that crap in my house, or my life. Through these series of events, sex and attraction didn't seem so important anymore. I'm better off alone than with the wrong guy, for the wrong reasons. He dosen't call me anymore, and if he did, I wouldn't answer.

Re: Specific faery guides

Good for you! (The Oubliette has a cheering smilie, I'd be using it now!)

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