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I'm a Leo, interested in a man born on the Aquarius/Pisces cusp. Would anyone mind telling me how well we may get along?

Re: Compatibility

I respect the belief in astrology, but I had a chart drawn up and a reading done from one of the top astrologers and I found it to be a bit up in the air. Some was correct, most not. I was not overly thrilled. Don't put too much into it, it is not an absolute of who you are or what you should do.

However, neither Aquarius nor Pisces get along with Leo. In fact, Aquarius is Leo's opposing sign. Leo would find Pisces too moody and emotional, too firmly rooted in their fantasy world. Pisces like to stay in their heads, a magical place, where Leo is very social and very much lives outward.
Aquarius is leo's opposite sign, so that speaks for itself.

But again, don't put too much into it. Just enjoy your life.

-Good Thoughts, Alex

Re: Compatibility

On the other hand, other sources have told me that Leo and Aquarius are often drawn to eachother anyway. Opposite magentism, you know?

Besides, when I took a tarot reading about it, all signs pointed to yes. ALL of them.

Re: Compatibility

Hi Butterfly
I'm an Aquarius and my current BF of almost 3 years is a Leo/Virgo cusp. All I can say is that this relationship is by far the most challenging one i've been in. It's rewarding...but there is lots of friction and i can tell that it is the main characteristics of our signs (and how we manifest them) that create the clashes. As long as I am aware of that I can make allowances for his quirks (and I know he makes allowances for mine).
So it is possible...but it will probably not be a smooth ride...but nothing worthwhile is ever easy is it?

Re: Compatibility

While it's important to not base relationships all on signs, there does seem to be something to it. My first two relationships were with Aries, and I am a Gemini. BAD BAD BAD! :) I am now with a Leo and it is totally a match made in heaven. Or would that me made in the stars?

Re: Compatibility

I think I should be a Pices instead of an Aquarius/Capricorn cusp, because living in my dreams in my head IS my main personality trait!!! But I know that when I tried living with a Virgo man that we clashed all the time. My sister's a Virgo too, and we get along, but she's very earthy and grounded and logical while I'm sensitive, dreamy and can't be content with the day to day ordinary stuff. I didn't know that Leo was Aquarius' exact opposite. I'll keep that in mind. I know I wouldn't wanna be with a Capricorn because they're too business minded and earthly, and that bores me.

Re: Compatibility


That's just my opinion and view point. But you seem pretty sure of it, that's all that counts. You can also look this stuff up on the net. There are many sites that will tell you all about the match up and even rate it.

-Good Thoughts, Alex

Re: Compatibility

I too belief in astrology, but is not the be and end all either, as family influences, for instance, can also impact various characteristics too, but the astrological traits, from my experience, can impact on how these are taken on board.

I have recently split from a Cancer, and I am a Sagitarius. These signs are totally opposites. What is said is that once open communication is there, it can work. I was open from the word go, however he talked the talk, but when it came to the crunch he did not walk the talk. It came down to him assuming a lot of things, and hence expecting me to be a mind reader, which despite everything else that occured, we split due to the LACK of communication on his part.

Re: Compatibility

Hey there. I've studied astrology since I can remember - must be a past life or something - I've had astrology books since I was a child and I'm studying now to be a professional astrologer. I wish there was an easy answer to your compatibility question but there isn't. The sun sign represents only one of many aspects of your or anyone's personality. My recommendation is to find your accurate birth time, go to (a really solid, reputable site), for a free chart and find out all of your planetary placements. They also have a free tutorial section that is quite good.

I LOVE astrology as a tool for self discovery and life path journey stuff, but I have to say, in romance, nothing beats getting to know the chap. And getting to know yourself and your needs/desires...

I also love to look at new charts and would be totally open to looking at yours just for fun...if you'd like.

Oh! A great and scarily accurate book if you just have sun sign info is Linda Goodman's Love Signs. It's a classic. I've had mine for 16 years, it's got pages falling out and the binding is split in two, it's like an old friend. Most bookstores have it - it might even be at your local library (free!).

Have fun and best of luck to you, Butterfly,


Favorite Froud Book? tarot

Re: Compatibility


I totally agree with Danelle and was going to recommend as well. That is a great site! Also, after you get all of your planetary info from, you can visit to find details of each of your transits, which play a part in your overall chart.

As to your question, Butterfly, using your birthdays, times of birth and place of birth, should give you an accurate and quick look at your compatibility.

However, I just want to leave you all with some personal insights as I've come to realize them over the last couple of years. Astrology is an art and it's really a shame that there are so many people who don't take the time to study and learn more about it before just getting out there and doing it. As most of you know, I used to dabble in it, but I came to a point when wanted to do more, understand more. So, I started studying it hardcore and have been amazed at what I've found! Even what some call insignificant transits can play a huge roll in ones life.

My boyfriend, was skeptical at first (typical Capricorn), but after we searched out the old-school methods/books, he is now studying it with me! The computer is a great place to start, but it's not the end all, be all. Overall, in the astrology community, I am really disappointed that there are so many people out there that rely on some computer program to spit out the info when there is so much more detail that could be given to people to help them - more than most of the astrologers I have met, are willing to do.

Just a quick example... my boyfriend and I did his sisters' chart. It started out as a trial run. Just to see what all we could find and learn, as we were working. It took three days of concentrated study. When we were done, we had over 300 pages of info - typed out!!! To put that in perspective... that's the average size of a Novel. lol! We then took that and compared it with what we found from some our local astrologers and what they offered. One offered, 60 - 70 pages (depending on your chart) for $200!!! When asked how he did it (realizing at that point that we weren't total armatures) he confessed that he used a computer program BUT he also included a "bonus" cd personalized for you and your chart. Nice touch but not worth $200 IMHO.

It is a very complicated subject. In fact, I don't think that you can learn it all in one lifetime. LOL! But as Danelle said, maybe it's a multi-lifetime adventure. LOL!

Best of luck to you, Butterfly... and on a side note - follow your heart. I was married to an Aquarius for 10 years and although this was a "compatible" sign (I'm a Sag) it didn't work out over the long term. We did manage to have a clean break and are still friends... but that was the problem... we were always better friends than mates. I'm now involved with a Capricorn who is on the cusp of Sag. For us, this is a great match, even if astrology calls it a challenging one. But in my experience, challenging can be a good thing too, because without challenges, we would never have the opportunity to grow, mature, or be as strong. :0)

Many Bright Blessings!

Favorite Froud Book? Oracle

Re: Compatibility

I'm in the same party of though as you, Alex. I respect belief in astrology, but feel it really boils down to the individuals themselves. If the right souls meet up, maybe incompatible signs don't matter?

Re: Compatibility

Oops, "party if thoughT" not "though."

Re: Compatibility

hi i am interested in knowing about me and my partner capatibility i am a leo/virgo b-day is 8-19-1972 and he is a virgo 9-10-1962 Please e-mail me back i would really oppreciate it we have in and out of a relationship for 6 years

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