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Anyone dream like this?

Hello everyone.
I have strange and wonderous dreams. They take place in "different" places (I have since drawn and written about many of them... seeing how i remember almost every detail about em.)
They are realer then reality (ive got all my senses in em!)
and Ive even fallen in love with a guy that frequents them (lol. that sounds kinda hokey. lol)
Ive "known" him for about 6 years now... the people and creatures are very very real, they have their own personalities and everything... (its not a lucid dream because i cant control them or whats happening, only what i say and do.)

anyone have this kind of dream?

If this helps describe them any, here is a poem I wrote combining alot of imagery from said dreams (i wrote it a while back)

Far away from myth and mind,
Is a world I’ve left behind.
Simple sorrows are not there.
Screams and tears don’t touch the air.

Darkness falls where light is cast,
Future days lie in the past.
Breeze is blown upon cloud and tree,
Do they ever think of me?

Seeing how you do not view,
If that gives you slightest clue.
Skies of green and fields of night,
Light of dark, shadows of light.

Clearer waters then you’ll know,
Clouds of purest, whitest snow.
Heat is cold, and ice is warm,
Beauty, in the slightest form.

Birds can swim and fish do fly,
The soul is seen within the eye.
Dead forests grow where words are bred
Life is pulled upon a thread.

Empty frames open as doors,
Crystals fuel the largest wars.
Shrubs climb and gates are ladders,
What you feel is all that matters.

Hare within egg in castle tower,
Race high above, upon faerie bower.
Bazaars in the moonlight,
Thoughts made of starlight,
Crystalline candies melt in your mouth.
Red fleshed white apple, fresh from the bough.

Exotic spices, colorful rices,
Very low prices,
Dancers entice us to join in the fun.
Small towns burn where rivers run.

Gigantic mansions, lavender hued,
Vampiric smiles, death is renewed.
Masquerade dances in halls of mirrored gold,
Crumbling stores sell creatures of old.

Silver sands of distant lands,
Come sharply into view.
Every time I venture there my memory is renewed.

Misty beaches,
Water reaches,
Upward towards the castle doors,
Pig-like creatures fade in hoards.

Ghosts of boys and boys of ghosts,
Pounding serf bashes the coast.
Giant shells, words gone awry,
Bird of lightning fills the sky.

Crystal rains,
Fruited panes,
Small black chickens hide in soil,
Man with waistcoat, very royal.

Glass faced dolls in haunted houses,
Tiny dream-like scaly mouses.
Feathers of fire,
Creatures in mires.
Where darkness falls, light has risen
Life can be an imposition.

Murderous lies and hidden doors,
Ice that burns and trees that roar.
Wishing wells all out of luck,
Endless forests rise from muck.

With a kiss true form is shown…
While here reactions are overblown.

(Im also currently writing a novel stringing the dreams together.... if anyone is interested in hearing any of my dreams or about the people in them, feel free to ask!)

Favorite Froud Book? Good Faeries/Bad faeries

Re: Anyone dream like this?

I am very interested! Can you tell us more? I think your soul may be astral travelling when you are sleeping.

thanks for sharing that poem!


Favorite Froud Book? Fairy Oracle Cards

Re: Anyone dream like this?

What is Astral Travelling?

Very rarely I will dream about something that happens in my own home (usually those are the ones that scare me out of my wits.... gnomes, rodent like creatures, strange creatures, the domuvoy, strange creatures disguised as pets....)
Most of my dreams take place in real enough landscapes (beaches, open air market type places, castles, open country, swamps, strange forests.)And the people are real enough... though they rarely give me a name to work with. Haha, i dont really know how to explain any more without telling you a few dreams, or something of that sort. XD
Sometimes though (as with the dreams that take place at my house) I have the distinct feeling that im dealing with the fey...

Favorite Froud Book? Good Faeries/Bad faeries

Re: Anyone dream like this?

Your poem is so beautiful and visually dramatic! So many symbols in one place.

Re: Anyone dream like this?

thank you for the kind compliment, im glad you liked it

Favorite Froud Book? Good Faeries/Bad faeries

Re: Anyone dream like this?

Amara, that was lovely! I certainly do dream like that.I think you captured very well the sense adventure that inhabits them. I've just finished writing a novel myself, maybe we could trade sometime? I'd be very interested to read your's.

Re: Anyone dream like this?

I'd love to do a trade sometime, I too wish to publish my work. (read your thread. )Sadly I misplaced my notebook that had the plot... so ive gotta find that before i keep writing (been writing for 4 days and am up to 7000 words, yay!)

Favorite Froud Book? Good Faeries/Bad faeries

Re: Anyone dream like this?

to anyone who wants to read some of my dreams:
I am posting some in the dream forum on this site

Favorite Froud Book? Good Faeries/Bad faeries

Re: Anyone dream like this?

i had a dream that sounds really similar, i was aware of everything around me yet i could only control myself, and unlike normal dreams that jump from scene to scene for example a field suddenly becoming your bathroom but i went mthodically through every scene just like a normal day

Re: Anyone dream like this?

Oh my goodness! It was exactly like that, with no wierd jumpy transitions!

Favorite Froud Book? Good Faeries/Bad faeries

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