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Learning to Listen

Hi everyone,
I was wondering, how do you actually "hear" or rather, listen to, faeries? When I do readings with the Faeries' Oracle, and you are supposed to ask the faery on the card for messages/guideance, I never seem to hear/feel/see anything.

I guess I just haven't learnt to listen properly yet, and I am also lacking a bit of confidence in my ability to do so. I am starting to feel like there is no point even trying because I never "get" anything! The only information I can glean from oracle readings is what it says in the book.

Brian Froud also speaks of hearing voices in nature - voices in the wind, in the trees and the rivers, etc. I try and try and try to listen, but I can't seem to hear anything. I know that it is often not a distinct voice that you hear with your ears, but I don't feel like I hear anything inside my mind or heart either.

Maybe it is that there is always so much noise inside my head, that I can't seem to still my thoughts for a moment and listen to anything else...

Anyway, sorry this post was so longwinded! Do you have any tips? How do you *listen* to faeries and voices from the other world?

Re: Learning to Listen

I'm sure someone else is going to follow me up with much better advise but, for the time being, let it be. Sometimes forcing a situation isn't going to help. If they have something to say and they think you're ready to hear it, they'll say it. And as for the Guide Card...well, they don't always talk right away, either.

Re: Learning to Listen

hmmmm....the only thing i could say that may help you, is listen with your heart. not with your ears. :) and also look from your heart, not your eyes.....faerie is the inner world of all that is, as such you are a part of can only reach it through the heart...
go within

Re: Learning to Listen

Thank you so much for your replies!

The trouble is, I'm not really sure *how* to listen with my heart! Perhaps it is something you have to find inside yourself...

Re: Learning to Listen

Find a way to quiet yourself-- focusing on breath works (I use Thich Nhat Hanh's "beautiful moment (in breath) wonderful moment (out breath)" ) Once you have yourself totally in the moment find that "small still voice" that is your intuition, nurturing that will help. This will take time. A lot of time.

Re: Learning to Listen

Hmm I think there are other ways of listening to them then the most obvious hearing. It could be little things that seem insignificant that may actually hold big meaning. It could be the hair raising on your arm or the back of your neck letting you know their present.
A faint touch barely perceivable on your hand/face for hands guiding you through a reading, nature has a huge amount of symbols, or a tarot card that kinda seemed to fall/fly out of your deck as if it had been grabbed. (that happend to was my spirit guide )Kimberley you'll learn to notice or listen when you need to. And if your hard headed like me then they'll find other ways. lol

Just keep at it you'll find the best way for you.


Favorite Froud Book? Faeries

Re: Learning to Listen

Thank you so much everyone!

Re: Learning to Listen

One other little thing I thought of the other night: do you have noisy appliances like a refridgerator/heating system/water heater/etc. Even a Zeno? I am finding, much to my severe dismay and increasing worry, a large number of modern products are hitting the market that make _very_ odd frequencies, especially while running together, to the point that it can actually interfere with brainwaves. Or at least I'm unrealistically sensitive enough to notice. Not a good thing. I can't even use the public library systems in town anymore because of the radio chips in all the books for the automatic checkin/checkout process. I can literally _hear_ it and I'm a mess for hours afterward, even a day or two before I'm back to normal. Needless to say, electronically adverse conditions only add to the difficulty here. I love power outages in good weather - give my ears a break!

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