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I realize that I have been negative the last few weeks and for that I apologize. I don't want to bog down the mood on the boards.
However, I do feel the way I stated about most humans, I don't like them and that is okay, there is nothing wrong with that. It doesn't mean that you don't have to. You may have a different angle on it. I don't think THE WHOLE WORLD stinks or ALL people. I do see some good, I just don't find most of that good in people or the world they've created. I love animals, I love nature, I love art and SOME people I also love (I feel more of a connection to the ill, the dying, the poor etc). But yet again, most people I really just don't like and no, I don't feel like I fit in in this world and I don't want to make a massive effort to. If you do, that's okay. But there is nothing wrong with me not feeling like I fit with this world.
Sometimes I don't feel like seeing the good, sometimes I just am in a funk and want to get it off my chest. I have my own personal ways of trying to make my life better and sometimes I struggle with even that.
I have personally discovered that darkness is a part of life, it makes things real and in depth. So I don't fight darkness with light when it enters my life. Again, if you wish to, that's alright.
I'm not overly negative, but I'm not all light either.
Anway, I apologize if I have been a downer. But I do believe a lot of what I said. That doesn't mean that I think it is all bad. Right now I am trying to prove life to myself. Trying to test the limits of what is possible. So I will see if life, for me, is more good then bad.

-Good Thoughts, Alex

Re: Apology..

eh its okay Alex.
everyone has their bad days
I completely understand that you don't like most people. I don't either. some people are good, like the people on here, but most are just all going downhill.... its sad really.
oh well. as long as we're better than them right?

most people disgust me, they've forgotten how to be good I guess.
all there is is gangsters and idiots aaaaall over the dang place!

well at least I'm more mature and can be a better person than them.

don't worry about it too much I'm sure you haven't really depressed anyone

Re: Apology..

Don't apology for the way you feel, but if it's personal growth you wish, ask yourself why you feel such way. Is it perhaps that you have not been able to look past what you see with your eyes? I believe all people have the ability to do good, the question is do you choose to or not, and if not...why?
Keep in mind, we are, including you....human, all of us, faults and flaws. But we need to not let that hold us down or back form being better and doing better each day now matter of hard it becomes.
Your friend

Re: Apology..

Thank you both. I do, in fact, I once stood up at a party and asked who they were,really were and no one could or would answer. I don't think people bad, just not my cup of tea.

I like to think of myself more as a "spiritual being having a human experience, not a human having a spiritual experience." I don't think I'm a fey or anything. Just more than this body.

I think perhaps I'll just grow in a different way. It's a matter of wanting to keep my journey seperate and to myself. Though it is of course, okay if people do not. :)

-Good Thoughts, Alex

Re: Apology..

Don't worry Alex. I'm from Massachusetts, which basically means I'm kind of screwed when it comes to believing in the innate goodness of humanity. Don't let anyone tell you different, we're all still a bunch of evil puritans at heart.

Re: Apology..

If I may Alex, I think your being to hard on yourself, that's the job of the plastic people. Just trying to make you smile, if nothing else at least laugh at my sad attempt.
again your friend, Morn
p.s. my flaw.....spelling
and thanks for feeding the sheltered dogs, really, thats is something great, no joke there

Re: Apology..

yer welcome.
I don't think I really belong with humans either.
most are just so different from me. I've never truely felt human.
I'm in New Jersey so most of the time all I see is horrible people all around me.
there are some good people, but its like the evil is creeping in and swallowing everyone.

Re: Apology..

lol, Laeah Monkey...the people on here aren't. But I just don't like MOST people, not all..just MOST.

Mmmhmm, I agree CrescentFern.

Spelling isn't important, don't worry. :D

-Good Thoughts, Alex

Re: Apology..

Smart, caring, responsible, creative, conscious, people - are we asking for too much?

Re: Apology..

Glad to see that I'm not the only person from Jersey

Re: Apology..

Yes I think we are asking too much Tink...given your average person IRL.
Ugh don't get me wrong, I'm no saint and I definitely have my moments (months even) but...sometimes I just want to give up on people.
I feel like I give so much energy out to others and sometimes it feels like it's just going into a big black hole with no return.

Alex-please don't apologise (unless you REALLY feel like you need too, then I accept it...even tho it is silly!)
I think we (or most of us here) understand and sympathize with you. You have brought so much light to this board and so many interesting topics.
Thank you for being who you are!
In fact thank you to everyone here for being who you are and doing what you do!

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