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Holy Cow! Fey Encounter!!

Wowzers... was I shocked the other night!
I was in my mums room for most of the night watching tv with her, and then at around 2:30 am I decided to go to my room and draw/listen to music.
Well, I went to my room, and opened the door a minute later to ask something (i think it was if the music was too loud) and out of the corner of my eye in the kitchen I see movement. I turn and look... and right directly across from the end of the hallway, facing the counter right above the lazy suzan is a small woman. (not my mum, she was in her room across from mine... not my sis,i could her her snoring.)
She was shorter then the conter and was on tiptoe looking at something on the counter. I kinda was just staring, and mum asked me "what are you looking at?"
The little woman then noticed I was there, and smiled at me....
I then told mum "nothing" backed into my room, and came back with my camera... kind of freaked out a bit.. she was gone. I think. I dont know... it kinda freaked me out a little.

I told mum about her yesterday, and she said "wow.. maybe she was happy I cleaned the microwave." cuz... that microwave has never been cleaned.
Perhaps shes friends with the little man who said he lived in the stove?

Favorite Froud Book? Good Faeries/Bad faeries

Re: Holy Cow! Fey Encounter!!

Amara, Love your encounter!

On another forum I belong to, I recall reading someone's encounter with Brownies in thier home. They see them (a husband and wife team) in thier home really early in the morning as well., and she said they are a riot. I think once they were even arguing!

Favorite Froud Book? Fairy Oracle Cards

Re: Holy Cow! Fey Encounter!!

Here's an encounter I found on's paranormal pages. The writer thinks it was probably ghosts of little children, but I don't think so.

"The Little White People
by Leslie

The house I grew up in, where my parents still live, has three levels. The bottom level consists of a large den, a bathroom and a study, where my mom has her computer. On the middle level is a kitchen with a screened porch off the back, and a living room. The top level consists of three bedrooms, a hall and a bathroom. My brother is ten years older than I, and was still living at home when what I am about to relate to you occurred.

This took place in August of 1988, when I was 14 years old. It gets hot here in August, and even with air conditioning, the heat would rise to the top level of our house, and it would sometimes be too hot to sleep up there. If my brother got too hot, he would take his pillow downstairs to the living room and sleep the rest of the night on the floor, in front of the air conditioning vent. When I was about 12 years-old, I started doing this too.

On this particular night, I woke up about 3 a.m., and it was so stuffy in my room I couldn't go back to sleep. So I grabbed my pillow and headed for the vent downstairs. My mom always left a florescent light over the kitchen sink on at night, and it wasn't totally pitch dark, so I didn't turn on any lights. A minute later, I was making myself comfortable on the floor in front of my favorite vent, which was beside the front door, and faced the door leading to the hall and the steps that led downstairs.

I was just about to drift off to sleep, when I had the strong sensation that I was being watched. So I opened my eyes, and right in front of my face, only three or four inches away, was a small white face staring down at me. I sat up and saw that the entire room was full of little people. They were all solid white, but not transparent, and none of them was over about three feet tall. I could see that their heads came to a point on top, and could make out that they had arms and legs, but could not distinguish any facial features or clothing details. Several of them were climbing all over the sofa, and one of them was standing in front of the TV, staring into the dark screen. About six of them were peering in around the hall’s door jamb, and I had the feeling that they were curious and wanted to come into the living room also, but were afraid for some reason. There were at least 10 or 12 of them in all. When I sat up, I had startled the one who was in my face, and it jumped up and started backing away from me. At this point, the others realized that I was awake, and they all took off running down the stairs toward the den.

Surprisingly enough, I wasn't really frightened. I had more of a feeling that the beings were mischievous, rather than evil, and you can imagine how curious I was. I jumped up myself, and went to the head of the stairs that led down to the den, where I turned on the light. Of course, there was nothing there. My first thought was to follow them downstairs, but then an uneasy feeling kept me from doing so. I turned around and went back up to my room, where I closed the door and slept for the rest of the night.

The development where my parents' house is located was a large farm years ago. We think the house must be close to where the farmhouse was, because the old well is in their back yard. It wasn't unusual back then for people to have large families, and the survival rate of the children was not that great. I have explained this event to myself as being some children from out of the past, who came back to see what had happened to their home."

Favorite Froud Book? Fairy Oracle Cards

Re: Holy Cow! Fey Encounter!!


Well, they do tend to like it when you clean, so maybe your mom wasn't that far off. :0)


Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Holy Cow! Fey Encounter!!

lol thanks for postin boldy! ^.^
I think she was right too Dragonfly =D

Favorite Froud Book? Good Faeries/Bad faeries

Re: Holy Cow! Fey Encounter!!

That's a great encounter - thanks for sharing it.

Re: Holy Cow! Fey Encounter!!

pretty. Maybe you could leave her a small offering to say thanks for showing herself. Just a thought.

Re: Holy Cow! Fey Encounter!!

Have you thought of....medication?

Re: Holy Cow! Fey Encounter!!

Skeptic, have YOU thought of...TACT?

You can be skeptical about this without snidely accusing someone of a mental or chemical imbalance.


Re: Holy Cow! Fey Encounter!!

Sorry, that was mean of me. Don't know where that came from.

But back to the original topic of this thread: I don't think I'll ever see brownies. I'm waaay too messy!

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