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O/T -- Labels: An Invitation to Discrimination

This is just my current philosophy on labels and discrimination. It may change as I grow as a person. I thought the members of this board might be interested because we are such a diverse lot, yet still manage to love and accept each other. I've been on this board for years and years. Although I rarely post anymore, I do read most of the posts. Enjoy. Agree. Disagree. Love it. Hate it -- but do not let it be the basis for hating a whole person.

Skin color is something we can't really choose. What we believe and feel in our hearts can't really be chosen either (or DEBATED with other people, for that matter--but that's a different focus from the one at hand). But a label like "Pagan" or "Christian" or "Republican" or "Democrat" is something we choose to identify ourselves. Labels limit not only ourlselves, but others' views of us. Labels invite hate. Some people are going to hate other people based on their labels until the end of time--no matter how much they fight it. We can't bully people into loving us and truly accepting us. We can bully them with legalities to have a thin veil of tolerance, but fighting hate and anger with hate and anger is like trying to fix a flood with more water. People generally hate other people based on what they have been taught by their parents, mentors, and religious leaders. It takes someone of that group which they hate to prove them wrong with love. That is why I try not to label myself or let others label me. That way, they can get to know me without the misconceptions brought on by a label.

If someone asks me, "Are you a Christian?"
I say, "No."

If they ask me, "Are you a Pagan?"
I say, "No."

Are you straight?








A Patriot?


If they ask, "Then what ARE you?"
I say, "Here, let me SHOW you."

This is something I am currently trying to do with my life and my social interactions. It's working well. Plus, it's an interesting informal sociological experiment.

And now, something to ponder: Does this notion of limitation by labeling make us closer to Faerie, or is this what separates us?

Re: O/T -- Labels: An Invitation to Discrimination

Labeling and the duality that comes with it does separate us from everything.
Yet it seems to be part of the human condition...we label in order to understand and classify things, not just to how we label and classify plants, birds etc. (or is understanding things as separate a different type of discrimination? hmm)
I'm currently working on seeing past duality in the seems to permeate everything and labeling is very much part of that...."if you are that then you can't be this"
Aren't we everything? isn't everything connected? Or rather aren't we nothing AND everything? (OMG that's a fae statement..or zen...there go the labels again....)
Great topic and great fits into what I've been personally wrestling and studying with for awhile...

Re: O/T -- Labels: An Invitation to Discrimination

Yes, Laiste! We do label things in order to classify/separate them, and also in order to reference what we mean to others. Labeling is a necessary part of written and oral communication for humans. But by classifying and separating, are we not also perhaps limiting? Does that separate us from the Fae? Are the Fae somewhat closer to the notion of Tao? Meaning, things are what they are and do what they do, and to have peace, we must accept that we cannot change the nature of things? Are we involved in a struggle to change or deny things by labeling them and therefore separating them from the world around them?

Ouch. Brain strain.

Re: O/T -- Labels: An Invitation to Discrimination

Labels are everywhere in life - eg I am a daughter, I am a woman etc. However, it is how the label is interpreted where harm can come about. In my opinion, even though labels can be damaging, it is how they are seen both from within ourselves, as well as those with whom we come into contact with.

Re: O/T -- Labels: An Invitation to Discrimination

I agree Orna. The interpretations or connotations associated with labels are mainly what cause harm. I'd also add to that the limitations labels impose. Gender/sex labels, in my opinion are a very good example of the latter.

Blessings and Love,

Re: O/T -- Labels: An Invitation to Discrimination

We must also remember that there are a couple of different definitions of the word "discriminate":

As a transitive verb
1 a: to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of b: distinguish , differentiate
2: to distinguish by discerning or exposing differences ; especially : to distinguish from another like object

As an intransitive verb
1 a: to make a distinction b: to use good judgment
2: to make a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit

In my initial post, I was talking about labeling leading to discrimination as "a difference in treatment or favor on the basis other than individual merit".

However, in subsequent posts, we also talked about labeling as a method to discrimination as simple differentiation like telling colors apart.

Re: O/T -- Labels: An Invitation to Discrimination

I could be wrong and totally off. But is this, in part in response to my post about youtube? If not, I apologize ahead of time.

-Good Thoughts, Alex

Re: O/T -- Labels: An Invitation to Discrimination

Hey Alex,

I'll be honest, your post is one of the many things I've seen/read/heard recently that inspired me to post this, but it is not a response to your post in any way. Please don't take offense, as none was meant.

Peaceful Wishes,

Re: O/T -- Labels: An Invitation to Discrimination

Cori- very mature and intelligent of you. It is so odd how we as humans have this compulsion to categorize everything. Part of it is actually hard-wired into our genes, and it's impossible to fight that. But we can still all try our best to make excellent decisions. Bravo

Re: O/T -- Labels: An Invitation to Discrimination


Well I'll be honest, I've never had a massive problem with labels. I am certain things; but they don't define me.
It is when people let the labels divide them that they become a problem. I am pagan and I have a christian friends. This does not divide us in any way shape or form because we see the whole and don't let it bother us.
On the other hand, I have people who have a problem with us being different. They have a problem with me being different from them. Now, at that point I don't attack them for being who they are, but I will fight for myself.
So, in my opinion, labels aren't bad; but it's bad when people make them more important then they are.

-Good Thoughts, Alex

Re: O/T -- Labels: An Invitation to Discrimination

lol, sorry...brain fart. I read delphine's post and entered her name. It's me, not her. I'm a ditz.

-Good Thoughts, Alex

Re: O/T -- Labels: An Invitation to Discrimination

Oh and sorry delphine. *blush*

-Good Thoughts, Alex

Re: O/T -- Labels: An Invitation to Discrimination


Great topic Cori.

Labeling limits our perceptions and closes our minds to the reality of the way things are. If I label someone in either a positive or negitive way I will then not be seeing the whole person, just the flimsy label that is most likely not very accurate and I'd feel more separate from that person.

It is a excellent thing to think about and a great instigator to reassess our judgments and labels.

Wishes of the very best kind


Favorite Froud Book? The Art of Wendy Froud

Re: O/T -- Labels: An Invitation to Discrimination


It reminds me of that saying, "You can't judge a book by it's cover." Great post!!!


Re: O/T -- Labels: An Invitation to Discrimination

I think the Fae are way beyond labeling... and that maybe they appear to us in the forms that they do to allow us a glimpse of that infinite world that they are a part of. If we could move beyond the labels and need to define things in such a way (i.e. this is a pixie because it was found in Cornwall...but the same apparent thing COULDn't be a pixie if it's found in CA) maybe we would be more open to and more aware of their world, which is our world really.
I could be totally off on that and I'm always open to new ideas!

When we separate anything from the whole we (attempt) to limit it in some way...the putting of things in a nice little box for our easier understanding is undermining our understanding of what is available to us. When I look at a person or thing I try to approach them as a whole person that is deserving of my time, attention, love and respect.

the brain strain is a good thing, it means we are actually thinking and stretching our perceptions a little!

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