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Still working with the faeries

I think I got a serious message the other night along the lines of the fae vs. humans in our differing views on the earth. I started dreaming about one of my friends who lives on a huge acreage in an equally as huge three storey house. I was looking down from a high place in the sky at night and saw everything in ruins! Somebody I couldn't see told me she wouldn't be able to rebuild there and would have to start over somewhere else. I sincerely hope this dosen't really happen to her. I'm going to call her today to make sure she's alright. I went down and sorted through the ruins with her helping her pick up things that were still intact. Then the scene switches to an empty landscape with one small tree standing. There was a woman by it and I told her "at least this survived. We should put something around it." Then she seemed to be either mocking me or using sarcasm to make a point, I don't know. But she ticked me off because she then said, "with what? Flowers? Kitty cats? The earth needs more than that." I think she meant that we needed a rebirth, not just decoration, or commemoration. Her tough and nonapoligetic attitude reminded me of Old Dory from Something Rich and Strange. I understand she was trying to shake me up and get me out of my naive, simplistic and aesthetic thinking and see the big picture. But dang, she was rude! But she's right, this world needs a major overhaul.

Re: Still working with the faeries


Interesting dream. I think you're right in your assertion that this world needs more than a cosmetic intervention. But I think the natural change is coming and the trick will be to flow smoothly with it and not fight it. Just like the seasons the earth changes but mankind has not been kind to the earth and I suspect we're in for nature to take it back.


Re: Still working with the faeries

That was a very interesting dream.

I think the Fae are disgusted with not only our Corporate and Military pollution and abuse of this Earth, but also "Urban Sprawl". Where I live, there are many wealthy families that come from New York City or New Jersey who buy up wildland acreage to build expensive homes and housing developements. Native trees are needlessly cut down, native plants are wiped out. Creeks are dammed up, lakes drained.

In my area there are not very many Monarch butterflies left. The reason being that local homeowners keep tearing out the milkweed growing near their properties, and milkweed is the only plant that monarch butterfly larvae can eat that contains an enzyme that makes them distasteful to predators. This is just one example of mankind hurting Nature in the smallest ways.

No wonder this Being in your dream was sarcastic. On her good days she probably isnt normally like that, but she was making a point that she knew you would be able to handle. Reading your words to you, I can immediately sense the disgust all Fae's feel when they focus on this issue.

The Fae know that sentiments and talk is cheap. They want to see us getting off of our butts and doing things to help Earth, or to stay out of things that humans should stay out of.

Simple ways are:
Make your yard a nature habitat for small wild animals and native insects, birds, flowers, plants., etc.
Pick up garbage along our roads, Recycle, and dispose of batteries, flourescent light bulbs in areas that take these things instead of tossing them in the normal garbage, Garden every Summer, Fertilize your gardens with compost made from dead leaves or veggie waste., No longer use chemical weed killers or pesticides, plant tree seedlings, .etc..

After I had my fairy encounter this past May, I felt compelled to do whatever I could to help the Earth out, and Earth's animals and plants. After finding all of these opportunties at my disposal, I grabbed them and did them for the love of the Fae.
One morning , I awoke to the sound of a woman singing the words: "You are helping the flower to seed; all things are precious"

I dragged myself to my journal and wrote those words down immediately so I would never forget them. All things ARE precious. If we humans treat every small thing in Nature with love, we are helping the flower to maturity.. to be able to seed and bring forth more flowers.

The list goes on . The Earth needs all of us who CAME from the Earth to take care of the Earth- Not only does the Earth need a major overhaul, but we humans need it first so we can take care of our Mother.

I'm so glad you had that dream!


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Re: Still working with the faeries

Boldy I loved hearing your insight and experiences! And I'm doing everything I can with the small space I have to make where I live as natural and beautiful as possible. I've been gardening for years and often eat what I plant. Every time I go to the wildlife preserve near where I live if I see trash I take a big Hefty bag and haul it away. Same goes for when I go to my summer place where the woods are. That's sad that these greedy developers feel like they have use every available space to put up their ugly crackerbox lookalike subdivisions. We have the same problem here. It's sprawling clear up to the lake and wildlife preserve and it makes me mad! In the 80s there was nothing but farmland from practically downtown Nampa up to the lake. Now there are only little squares of land here and there. I wonder where the Monarch butterflies went since they couldn't get to their usual milkweed? I wonder what else I can do to help. I feel like I'm not doing enough.

Re: Still working with the faeries

I'm campaigning against the goverment's so-called 'Eco Towns' being built in my city county, Oxford, and my home county, Leicester. The thing is, though they may be more energy effiecient than usual, they want to built them on green belt, flood plains and working farmland! I hope the economic crisis will help put an end to it.

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