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Frequencies (sensitivity)

Am I just a fluke of nature or does anybody else have problems with different frequencies? I haven't been able to use our public library system ever since they put in an extremely low radio wave and chips in all the book so they automatically check out as you walk out the door - it makes me very confused. Can't be in the vicinity of a Zeno. And now this HDTV thing...oh my. We're playing around with the converter box and it's just too much. Anybody else have problems like this? I also have extremely sensitive hearing.

Re: Frequencies (sensitivity)

Different people have different frequency patterns for their bodies. As people are becoming more aware and raising their vibration they are becoming more sensitive than they used to be to lower vibrating or out of sync vibrations than they used to be. This may pass in time. Often there is just an adjustment period that we need to get through. One thing that I was having problems with for awhile was the computer screen flashing and bouncing alot. I also will not have those compact flouresent lights in my home. They really bother me. Not everyone though. My mom just took hers out and her asthma is getting better already. Hope it lasts.
One other thing is there are many cases of vertigo that are being triggered by the shifts of energy that the world is going through. These can be triggered by electronics or even places or certain people. For the most part I just roll with it and let it go. The additude shifts and beliefs that are changing as we evolve as a world seem to play a role as well. Test the waters every now and then to see how you are doing. A blue kyanite crystal was my best friend for a couple years and now I gave it away because I don't need it anymore. I pinned it into my curly hair if I knew that I would be anywhere questionable. Helped alot.
Hope this helps to know you are not alone.
Jin 1101

Re: Frequencies (sensitivity)


Yes. I've been noticing this too and at times, depending on where I am, it even effects my ears with a lot of ringing. I noticed the most difference though when I went to Tennessee recently. We were down in the middle of nowhere and I noticed how deafening the silence was. No machinery, no cell towers, no traffic noises, nothing but silence and it took my ears days to return to semi-normal. If there were birds chirping, I couldn't hear them over the ringing! They rang something fierce for the first few days though and it was intense. When I came back to the city, it was overwhelming how much the noise (all the noises) bothered me. It was amazing and I added yet another reason to move to the country. :0) What's even worse, is there are places in my home where the 'sounds' are worse than others. I even got rid of my cordless phone and moved the bed so that the cables and lines didn't interfere with my sleep. Oh and I don't believe in cell phones and won't have one in the house, so I think that helps some.

Something that Jin said, makes a lot of sense. About three years ago, I bought a blue stone, from my favorite metaphysical store. The woman who owns the store was out of town and the girl watching the store didn't know anything. I felt drawn to the stone, I had to have it and I bought it on the spot. Not my usual MO when it comes to shopping, especially where jewelry is concerned. Mainly because I'm not big on wearing jewelry and this was on a necklace. Anyway, I didn't care how much it was because I knew it was meant for me. Well, after anxiously waiting for several weeks, I went back to the store and asked the owner what it was. She said it was Kyanite. I'd never heard of it and so I went home and did my homework and found it to be exactly what I needed at the time. I didn't, until just now, know that it was also good for these frequency issues. But, thinking back, I bought it right before I moved further into the city where the disturbance seems to be worse. I know I felt guided the day I bought it, so maybe there was more to the reason that I even realized and it might explain why I haven't taken it off since the day I bought it.

As for dealing with the issues these different frequencies cause? I think it depends on the person and how you experience them. But frankly, I don't know. It doesn't seem right to adjust to them when they shouldn't be there in the first place. It just isn't natural. And I don't get a warm and fuzzy feeling about the change to HDTV or the what-if's about what they're going to be using the analog waves for. I also don't get a warm and fuzzy feeling from all the microwaves, cell-waves and all the other frequencies that are being beamed through us on a constant, daily basis. I don't think it's natural and I don't think that it's having a very good impact on anyone.

I wish I could be of more help, but at least you know you're not alone. :0)


PS. Meditation does help me unwind from the stress I feel when I'm overwhelmed by them.

Re: Frequencies (sensitivity)

Hi Tink,

I find this too, usually for me it is when in town and surrounded by way too many people. In my opinion, Dublin was never meant to have as many people living in it, as it currently does. Ireland is now close to having the same population we had at the time of the famine, however that does include the international people here, some of whom are now leaving, due to the economic downturn.

Anyway, on my counselling course we did this exercise with the senses, and it was interesting how many of us had problems with our ears. Our tutor referred to this as flooding. I find if people are talking too loud near me, I can't here anything else. One of the girls I work at is like this, in that to me, when she talks, it is like how I would sound if I was shouting . Also I find I get this feeling when on the train to work too. Unfortunately at peak time on train, having a set amount of personal space is not possible.

However I have found since doing reiki, I have more skills to help me, and am now able to go to the upstairs of two shops I couldn't previously, as previously I used to have what to me, felt like, being on the verge of a panic attack.

Like Dragonfly, meditation helps me, as does visualisation.

Re: Frequencies (sensitivity)

In regard to the ringing in the ears, one thing that seems to be prevalent in all that I've read and feels right to me is it is the greater knowledge being given to our souls. It comes in as ringing because we do not have to be conscious of the knowledge when our heads would only get in the way of our hearts. We can ask the higher powers to turn down the volume if it is bothersome and they will usually comply. Louder does not equate better. The higher powers do not have to deal with the existence here and do not always relate to how loud they are.
I live in a lowly populated area with our nearest small city of 10000 an hour away and I sometimes find that to be my biggest protector. It also is my biggest hinderance in finding info, bookstore are 1 1/2 hours away and Froud is not even in the system of books available. The internet is dialup and slow, etc. so not always able to surf and find easily what is there. But maybe until now there was no reason to surf, since what I need is coming exactly when I'm ready for it.
Kyanite is meant to balance chakras and comes in blue and black. Black is too powerful to wear always, better to sleep with it under the pillow or on headboard. Blue is subtle and good to carry. They are quite fragile because they are a long crystaline structures that can fracture. The heart is a good place to have them if your head is not easy to attatch it to. I've got ALOT of hair. Kyanite sometimes will grow bigger from thin air over a couple years, don't know why, but saw one that another person had that was bigger than when she bought it.
It is not so much that we start to adjust to the lower vibrations over time as they cease to cause us problems because we begin to vibrate so much higher than them that we are protected by a cocoon of loveing vibrations that shield us from the negative. Some of what used to cause me problems have simply ceased to be in my circle of influence, by no effort on my part. Believing in oneself and that we are becoming stronger on our own and within the world as a whole brings more strength to all who are realizing our beauty, love, harmony. This serves to bring us up even more and our daily lives will only become better. Slowly each of us is realizing our soul purpose. We are here to be more than we ever were in the past.
Look forward to the future because it is brighter than we have ever thought

Re: Frequencies (sensitivity)

More on the ringing in the ears, that sometimes this is caused by getting information from another dimension. Someone I encountered once suffered a lot with this. My RM said that this can be the opening up of psychic/medium abilities (not necessarily for everyone). Sometimes the more fear that is evident though, the stronger it can be.

Re: Frequencies (sensitivity)

Concerning the ear ringing, I have two is if you're familiar with the alien abduction phenomenon, they put these little smaller-than-bb sized computer like implants in people's heads(sometimes through the nose with something that looks like a hollow needle)or in other ways. The ringing gets super loud during changes in the menstral cycle in women, letting them know when you're most fertile so they can use your eggs for some kind of galactic breeding program. They also ring when they're closeby. ANOTHER theory is what everybody else has been saying above...changes in electromagnetic fields, being close to telephone wires, somebody you know talking about you emotionally, some otherworldly entity(like a ghost or faery) letting you know they're there, (I've also heard clicks in my ear with ghosts in haunted places). It's also caused by listening to music or other noises too loud, especially Ipods or walkmans. One problem I have is sometimes I'll hold the phone up to just my left ear and it will click repeatedly every time the other person talks or there's noise in the background. So annoying! So I'll have to switch ears and it dosen't do it in my right. Another problem is after I vacuum the cleaner is real loud and I'll hear a high pitched whine in my ears for several minutes followed by a pressure change as my ears go back to normal. Like my ears are screaming like a child who's been upset until they calm down. You hurt me, lol. Also, my ears rang a LOT for a period of about two days till I learned that somebody I know was very angry with me and complaining to other people and they were mad at me too. Sometimes, the ringing turns into flat out telepathy when I can hear somebody's VOICE yelling my name or something, only to learn they were talking about me later. Crazy stuff.

Re: Frequencies (sensitivity)

Not that I discount aliens, I certainly don't discount that they exsist. But I did find it interesting what Kelli said. I was getting ready to start my period when I experienced that deafening silence and thus the ringing in the ears. Maybe there is something to being near a cycle. Maybe because we're more susceptible to other frequencies? My boyfriend also experienced this, but I have no way of knowing if it was as loud as what I experienced.

I do agree with whomever said that we're experiencing the shifting of this reality and thus we're having to adjust. I do believe it will probably get better as we grow and develop, but I certainly wish it would hurry up. lol!

Also, I have hearing loss. I don't listen to loud music or loud T.V. or go to many places that are busy, loud and full of people because it's too much for me. Being around loud noises all jumbled together rattles my nerves and leaves me feeling shaken. When I was young though, I did frequent night clubs where the music was too loud and I have often wondered how much of my hearing issues are from that. But on the other hand, these symptoms only came about after I started having encounters with my guides and others who have passed over. I can hear them and a few who have been closest to me in life, have used me with my consent as an interpreter for others. I have always figured that with some gifts there also comes a price, depending on the person, so I accept that I'm deaf in one ear because that is the ear "they" use the most to communicate with me.

Jin, Thanks for the info on the Kyanite. It has been my constant companion and I wouldn't dream of being without it - or at least until I no longer need it. ;0) I've heard it is a very powerful stone and many who are not ready can not handle it's vibration. I just feel lucky to have found it when I did.

Blessings to all!

PS. This was a great post Tink! Everyone here has contributed something important to it, to ponder and think about. I believe that on this path, we must find those who are like-minded so that we can help each other and work together in whatever changes are to come.

The timing must have been right. :0)

Re: Frequencies (sensitivity)

I just had another thought on the ringing in the ears. When I was younger I used to hear spirits etc communicating to me, but through conditioning, this became switched off. As I am currently fighting overcoming some of the Catholic teachings I was reared with, my theory is that maybe, for me, it has a link with fear. Fear of allowing myself to let go, allowing myself to experience the communication from spirits again etc.

Re: Frequencies (sensitivity)

I'm going to have to pass this info on to a friend of mine that was recently complaining about ringing in her ears...she's a pretty busy psychic and uses her cell phone for most of her clients.

Thanks for the timely info.

Re: Frequencies (sensitivity)


Here is some more info for your friend.

Also, at the bottom of the article, there are several links to other related articles, peruse them - they are very intriguing. I couldn't find the one about the study they did that found a link between Brain Tumors and Cell Phones but these will get the point across just as well.

I stopped using a cell phone about 5 years ago. Like I said earlier, I won't even allow them in my house. Especially after sharing the article (the one I couldn't find) about Brain Tumors and cell phones with my doctor. I will never forget his reaction. Shaking his head, he said, "That's why I don't let my family use them [cell phones]." He went on then to tell me about another patient of his that was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. They believe it was caused by his constant use of his cell phone for his work.

I don't mean to scare you or your friend, or sound like an alarmist, but we need to be mindful of all the dangers around us, including those in the form of seemingly "harmless" electronics.


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