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How Do You View Sensitivity?

Very often people see sensitivity as a negative. However, I disagree with this, I see it as a positive thing in life. Even though, to this day, my dad still tells me not to be so sensitive, it is me being true to myself.

I also believe that it is on account of my sensitivity which led me to get in touch with my spiritual side, and also led me to do the counselling & psychotherapy course I am currently undertaking. Without sensitivity how could I ever have the empathy needed in my work with clients. Also, it has guided me towards being more intuitive as well.

Re: How Do You View Sensitivity?

As with everything in life, I think it takes balance. If you are balanced and don't let your insecurities get the better of you, then I think being sensitive is a plus. If you are ruled by fear or insecurities, due to said sensitivities then that's when it becomes an issue.

When I first met my boyfriend of 2 years, he would vent and I would take it personal. I soon learned that it had nothing to do with me and after many times hearing, "Don't be so sensitive. It's not about you. Don't take it so personal." I started to understand that he was right.

When I looked back at those situations, I could see that I was sensitive to his energies and because I am a sensitive creature, I took it personally when I felt those energies shift. If he was bummed about his stock portfolio and got upset, then I knew not to take it personally. If he was just having a bad day - as rare as those are - I knew it wasn't about me and I could shift my own sensitivities to compensate or bubble myself so that his mood wouldn't affect me. It has worked wonders, and in the last year, I don't think I've heard those phrases once. lol! YAY me!! lol!!!

I believe that learning to use your sensitivity is a worthwhile goal in this journey we're on. The more we learn and grow and hone this skill the more we can use it to our benefit. It's finding the balance within ourselves that's the key.

Sensitivity rocks!

Re: How Do You View Sensitivity?

I agree Dragonfly - it is about balance. Balance is always the key. Being a sensitive sag, has meant over the years, that learning appropriate sensitivity towards myself has being a lifelong lesson. Somethings are difficult to distance from, such as my mum telling me "you need to loose weight", and harping on about it for 5+ hours on Christmas Day, and dad's response being not to be so sensitive - when that is a personal attack, how else can it be taken. Unfortunately, my mum is one of these people that is impossible to communicate with, in that if she gets a bee under her bonnet about something, she will go on all day about the same thing . However I have learned better coping mechanisms than I had before - takes more work on her part, to have me feeling angry, tearful etc.

Re: How Do You View Sensitivity?


There's no ideal way of dealing with your mom. It's probably something you have to figure out more or less on your own. Some lessons are just that way. But you have those around you who really do care and if given the chance would stand up for you... I would. *Big Hugs*


Re: How Do You View Sensitivity?

to Orna
My mantra when I'm around my parents is "there are no mistakes only lessons in love" I repeat that over and over to myself whenever they start in on something. It helps me to get to a spot that I can forgive them and not internalize their negativity in myself...

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