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I find that it is through dance that I become truly liberated, in a way, that I cannot do in my day to day living. I truly believe that since discovering Biodanza, this has enhanced greatly. Not only do I, through dance, get in touch with sadness, but also liberation. Both of those emotions, and everything in between, are what make me human. I am a spiritual person, and I have found Biodanza has really helped to enhanced the mysticism I exerience in my day to day live. Even though I have never had formal training in dance, I do enjoy all forms of dance, whether that is partaking in dance, or attending a show.

Re: Dancing


I love dancing too! Wish I could do more, but my body protests in the worst possible ways and I end up paying for it for days if not weeks afterwards.

I used to Ballroom dance - took classes and was offered a job of sorts... to dance professionally with a guy who I have since seen win many international contests. Sometimes, I wish I could have been there; alas, that wasn't in my cards.

I still love to dance though, in any form, especially free form, when my body is up to it. Watching from afar is fun too.

Love and light!

Re: Dancing

Ah, I wish I could dance... Whenever I see people dancing, it does look so beautiful and liberating and I desperately wish I could do it!

But when I do it, it just doesn't feel right. I always just feel like I'm moving awkwardly and end up feeling like an idiot. :P And that is when there's no one around except me! It seems a bit ridiculous to be embarrassed in front of yourself, but I do get that way. :P I can't imagine dancing in front of other people.

What is Biodanza?

Re: Dancing

Anyone can dance IMHO. You don't have to feel that you can dance to be able to dance. I have found sometimes it is the inner critic that gets in the way, and if you let that go, and just be, let yourself flow, that is when things connect together.

Biodanza is a form of freestyle dance.

I have heard it likened to Five Rhythms, with the exception of the contact that is evident in Biodanza. However, having never done five rhythms I cannot really comment on that. It incorporates dancing on your own, dancing in pairs, and dancing in the group as whole. I found that trust is evident in biodanza - both within myself, as well as that with a partner I may be dancing with. There is no verbal communication during biodanza, all signals are given through body language - I love it .

Re: Dancing

Yes, even guys dance alone. I like dancing and working out to Sisters of Mercy

Re: Dancing

I love it except that I get out of breath, heart hammering too hard/fast and tire too quickly in just seconds, especially when I do those fast Celtic dances. Maybe I'm just getting old but I used to be able to go for a lot longer. Still love it though even if I can only go in short spurts.

Re: Dancing

I dance little bits all the time, it's one of my favorite way to express happiness and joy.
My favorite place is at the beach for some reason there is something about the smooth sand and ocean movement that just gets in my body and makes me want to move.

Re: Dancing

Hi Orna

I totally agree dancing makes me come alive..its like the beat pulses through my body.Wow what a sensation when the music you love comes on...there's only one problem I cannot get these legs to move properly these days, they are as stiff as a tin soldier

faerie blessings
Moonlight dancer

Re: Dancing

I am so excited - the past year or so, the weekly biodanza class here was no more, due to the tutor stepping down. It was on then one Friday a month, which I could not always attend. Anyway, the first class of teachers in Ireland have just qualified, so there is now a class in Dublin, and the location suits me so much more, especially considering that I don't drive, and have to rely on public transport etc.

Re: Dancing


That's awesome! I'm happy to hear they brought it back and that it's more convenient for you! There's nothing quite like getting out there and getting your groove on!


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