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O/T: My first YouTube video

Hey! I finally made a YouTube video! The quality isn't that great because I had to convert the file format in order to upload it on YouTube.

Anyway, it's a review of three cosmetic products.

If you have a YouTube account, please subscribe! I promise I'm not going to do just makeup reviews.

Here it is:

Re: O/T: My first YouTube video


Good job on the Video!

The only problem I have with makeup in general are the chemicals that they include in the ingrediants, like arsenic - especially in eye-liners! Who needs arsenic right below their eyes?! Maybeline, Revlon, etc. are all guilty of this. I have articles from several health journals to back up this statement, if anyone would like the links.

After years and years of suffering from fibromyalgia, I started doing research into everything I put on or in my body. I was shocked at what I found! I couldn't believe what they were selling us to put on our faces. Our skin is an organ, the largest one on our bodies, and it is a direct link to our blood system. Two years ago I decided to invest in some really good make up, mineral based (not chemical based) and though it was more expensive up front, I am still using what I bought 2 years ago! You don't need as much and I have gotten more compliments on my appearance then ever before! My Fibromyalgia is also better - a lot more good days now then bad - why is that? Maybe because I stopped using the stuff that had all of those chemicals?! hmm. Just imagine if I had never used that poison in the first place!?! Life could have been much different for me.

So, anyway, that's my reasoning and why I won't use just any kind of makeup. Sorry for venting, but I just want my friends to all be healthy and happy and have long uncomplicated lives.

Much love!!!!

PS. Cori, You really did a good job on the video. I hope to see more from you. :0)

Re: O/T: My first YouTube video

dragonfly, which brands DON"T have arsenic in the eyeliners? I had no idea! No wonder I'm always getting eye infections from the cheap ones! Also which brands would you suggest for other forms of makeup like foundation, eyeshadow, ect? I like estee lauder but they're expensive.

Re: O/T: My first YouTube video

Hey Guys,

I uploaded a second video. The audio didn't go weird on this one. It is also about cosmetics (this time eyeshadow primers), so if you don't wear/don't like makeup, then you probably wouldn't care to watch it -- unless you want to give me feedback on other aspects of the video or you just want to see goofy ol' me!



Re: O/T: My first YouTube video


Sorry that I'm only now getting back to you. I've been buried in my writing and it's flowing so I don't want to stop yet. But I will get you the info you requested. Just be patient with me, please.

Cori, I truly didn't mean to offend you (if I did) it's just that the info on this doesn't seem to be widely known and the chems are so dangerous and I feel a responsibility to share it with all of my friends. But besides that, I loved your video and you were great in it and I'm glad you are adding to your collection!

Much love,

Re: O/T: My first YouTube video


Nah, you didn't offend me. I just didn't want YOU to be offended! Ha Ha! Thanks for the feedback and support. I also uploaded one of my kitty. She's cute and fat. Lol


Re: O/T: My first YouTube video


I can't wait to see it. Will take a look later as I'm in the middle of the story and can't-get-out!!!! LOL!


Re: O/T: My first YouTube video

Going to watch your new videos now...especially the kitty one! I have a lot of those with my cat in them too, just random, silly stuff. There's one where he's on catnip and looks like he's breakdancing on the table. I should have dubbed in Grand Master Flash and the Furious 5 Scorpio for that one, heh.

Re: O/T: My first YouTube video

I watched the cat one (since I don't do makeup)
Kitty is cute and she's not fat! poor thing LOL you should see my landladies cat that hangs out around my THAT's a fat cat!
On a side note--Isn't it funny how we all have complexes about weight etc, but the cat could care less? She's happy, beautiful and graceful even tho we think she's "over weight"

It is good to get a face to go with the name too, thanks for being so brave and sharing with us!

Re: O/T: My first YouTube video

Yeah, she's a pretty cat. But she IS medically overweight according to the vet. We have her on a diet so she won't have health problems due to being overweight. I'm also on a diet because I am considered medically overweight according to my BMI. I'm doing it for selfish reasons, though. I want to look better and feel better about myself. I like the way I looked and felt when I was at a healthy weight.

Anyway, I am rambling. A family member very close to me just passed away suddenly yesterday, and I jumped on here to escape a little bit before I have to go deal with my mom's meltdowns and the medical examiner's report and all that fun stuff. So I probably won't be making more videos for a while or be on the board much. It's a good escape though. Thanks to everyone for that.


Re: O/T: My first YouTube video

Hi Cori,

I'm very sorry to hear about the lose of your family member. It is always hard when it is sudden. My Mum passed away in 2006, she was hit by a car whilst crossing at a pedestrian crossing and she died at the scene. So I can understand the pain of a sudden lose. I hope that you and your family heal quickly.

Sending you lots and lots of love


Favorite Froud Book? The Art of Wendy Froud

Re: O/T: My first YouTube video

Thank you Spriggan. Apparently, I've been nominated to give the eulogy. I don't know how I'm going to do it. I don't know how I will stay composed. I'm good at being composed (my teacher training has taught me that) but this might be too much. I have to be strong for my family, though.

I love you all.


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