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OT: Ice Skating

I recently started ice skating lessons, at a new rink in Dublin - there hasn't been a rink here in over a decade, and from what I have heard the ice was a disaster. Not having grown up in Dublin, my only experience of ice skating was at the madness of the over crowded Christmas sessions.

Anyway, I have been enjoying it very much. I have passed the first three levels of Emerald Skate, after 6 weeks of lessons, and am now onto my second round of a 6 week block of lessons, and am working on my level 4. The elements from this point on are definitely more challenging, but am still loving it.

Ice skating, when the technique is right, definitely feels like flying. I have found my two biggest enemies at first were fear, and over thinking what I needed to do to master a specific element. The fear comes and goes occasionally, but that is ok - as it has certainly helped me face some some of those fears, and some of the elements I find quite simple now, in the first lesson I gave the coach a look, thinking she must be mad, asking us to do such things so quickly.

Thankfully no jumps yet, and we will be doing spins and spirals next week, so that will most certainly be challenging.

I ordered my own ice skates yesterday, but am feeling quite impatient to receive them already, lol. They will be a lot better than the death traps ie the skate rentals at the rink.

Re: OT: Ice Skating

Ice skates have now been received, and boy do they hurt (which is quite normal). I decided to bake them last night, to heat mold them to my feet, and it seems to have done the trick

Re: OT: Ice Skating

You'll have to let us know how they feel when you use them again. :0)

Re: OT: Ice Skating

I survived the practice today with my heat molded skates. My feet were sore at the end but not like they were previously - it wasn't agony like before. I kept muttering to myself "toe pick toe pick toe pick" to remind myself to watch out for the toe pick . The judge for the Emerald Skate Programme was on the ice too, and gave me some pointers re breaking them in, and what level to ask the guy in the skate shop to sharpen them, so will let you know what the progress is like with the sharpened blades next time.

Re: OT: Ice Skating


I'm glad that they felt better than they did before!!! It sounds like heating them worked, now your feet just have to get used to the new shoe and your brain the picks! LOL! :)


Re: OT: Ice Skating

Had my first skate on the ice skates last night, since having them sharpened, and boy, what a difference sharpened blades make - was so smooth. The downside is that I can't seem to stop in my new boots, so need to try to relearn how to stop

Re: OT: Ice Skating

Oh No! I got this vision of you trying to stop! I hope it wasn't as bad as my imagination made it!
It's amazing what a difference having good fitting NEW skates can make...
my mom used to ice skate when she was younger and her skates are still in the house somewhere...lovingly kept even tho now she can't even go down steps without help.

Re: OT: Ice Skating

Oh No! I got this vision of you trying to stop! I hope it wasn't as bad as my imagination made it!
It's amazing what a difference having good fitting NEW skates can make...
my mom used to ice skate when she was younger and her skates are still in the house somewhere...lovingly kept even tho now she can't even go down steps without help.

Probably not. Barriers at the side have a use, and am not going too fast while I adjust to both the new boots, and toe picks

Re: OT: Ice Skating

oh good! I'm glad that it wasn't as bad as that!

Re: OT: Ice Skating

I am so excited. I found out today, that they are starting an ice club at the rink, which is for both children and adults alike, and will involve a Christmas shoe. This could be my claim to fame .

Am I mad at 32 to be even considering this.

Re: OT: Ice Skating

NEVER! You do what you love and to heck with thoughts of age, etc. What's that saying about singing like no one is listening, dancing like no one is watching, etc? If you enjoy it, embrace it and to heck with any "boxes" others try to fit you in to. :)

Best wishes on your furthered ice-skating adventure!


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