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Mercury in Retro is having a field day....

.... in Dublin. Last week the luas crashed into a bus. Then on Tuesday this week there were three bus crashes in Dublin .

*goes into hiding till Mercury turns direct again*

Re: Mercury in Retro is having a field day....


I hope this hasn't effected your travel much!

Goodness knows I've had my fair share of mercury retro events... my brand new toilet (only a year old) broke; my computer has been on the fritz allowing some text - not allowing others; encountering crazy and weird people every day who are obviously feeling the effects of traffic issues and not understanding the reason... I could go on, but I won't. :) Thankfully, we only have another week of the actual retrograde, but remember, we'll feel the lingering effects for about three weeks afterwards, so remain diligent.

Living in the moment or the "Now" really seems to help the personal side of this influence.

Best Wishes,

Re: Mercury in Retro is having a field day....

That must be why I've been having car problems that have cost hundreds to fix, why I'm having intense dream conversations with spirit beings, why this **** heat wave is still hanging on when it's almost October!

Re: Mercury in Retro is having a field day....

Hi Dragonfly,

Thankfully it hasn't affected me. The poor people living in Rush are having an awful time though, as they were affected last month, when the bridge the next village over from me fell into the river - which will take three months to fix, so they say. 2 of the 3 crashes that day happened in Rush - seriously, what are the chances.

Kelli, please send that heatwave to not so sunny Ireland

Oh, and 2 close friends have finished their perspective relationships too.

On a personal level, I always take Mercury in Retro as a good time for self reflection

Re: Mercury in Retro is having a field day....

Well and I just found out today that BSU cancelled the Paris trip(and all future ones!) so I'll have to come up with a Plan B, like going through a travel agency or getting some friends to go with me.

Re: Mercury in Retro is having a field day....

what is BSU? and why do they have trips to Paris? (or used to)
I'd just go by myself personally. Let hassle, you can linger where you want and have a lot more freedom!

Hey everyone! We are on the last few days of mercury retro! I can hardly wait to be done with this one!

Re: Mercury in Retro is having a field day....

Well, we can all sigh with relief.... Mercury stopped going retro yesterday BUT it's static right now, meaning it's not moving - it will start to pick up speed over the next few days so keep that in mind as you go about your business.

Much love,
The very relieved, Dragonfly

Re: Mercury in Retro is having a field day....

Hiya Dragonfly,

Big Yay!!!! This retrograde has been literal hell. Communication going awry has got me into all kinds of trouble and caused the people I was trying to communicate with big problems. Lets just say it lead to some big consequences. Although I did learn from it, it was a hard lesson and of cause I deeply regret the trouble I caused.

So, when is the next one so I can prepare?

I hope things have settled for everyone else.

Lots of love


Re: Mercury in Retro is having a field day....


I'm so sorry to hear that so many communication problems befell you. I hope all the kinks will be worked out and that everyone will come to understand that it was a passing phase. You were not alone though, I found my foot in my mouth repeatedly and wondered, hey, how'd that get in there. LOL!

So, the next one starts on Saturday, December 26th, 2009 and goes through Friday, January 15th, 2010. Yes... we have 3 this year!!! EEK!

I really like Orna's suggestion though (about using this time to reflect on the past and learn from it). I have done that extensively during this one and the one before it. In fact, I figured out some things that really stunned me, but should have been rather obvious had I been so inclined to see it. :) It's rather amazing how easily the realizations come during these M.retro cycles though. They are more like mini revelations. :) I know it helped me understand some of my repeating cycles and I think that is half the battle of stopping them from repeating in the future.

Much love,

Re: Mercury in Retro is having a field day....

Hiya Dragonfly,

I'm known to suffer from what I call "foot in mouth disease" at times too

Thanks for the info It is good to know, the heads up will help me to make sure I'm more aware of what I'm thinking/feeling/saying around that time. It's possible I will be on a meditation retreat during that period so it's vital that I'm very mindful for the benefit of the other people on retreat.

I hope all is well with you.

Lots a luv


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