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All good things come to an end. Or so they say. AFTN has been around since 1989, first as a fanzine and then making the jump to a website and forum in 2003. We've been through the many ups and down at East Fife in those 12 years but policing the forum has become a giant pain in the ass in recent years. As such, we made the decision not to renew it when it expired.

The forum is no more and will remain as a locked archive until it is eventually deleted by the host. We're looking in to try to save some of the content as an archive.

This is not the end of AFTN though. The site will continue and will be revamped and return in its full glory for the start of the 2016/17 season. Maybe even sooner. There will be a comment sections and possibly even a new, registered forum. Check our Twitter (@aftnwebsite) for all the latest info and we'll also post in on the EFFC memories Facebook page.

Until then, have a last browse here, thanks for all your support over the years, and 'Mon the Fife.



East Fife
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Re: East Fife v Rangers

Noisy crossbar
I think it's fair that uncovered standing is priced cheaper than seating.

I think it is right for the club to charge more for high demand games...... they have a duty to maximise revenue generation potential. I want the the club to do this so we can get the biggest playing budget we can.

If east fife were unable to sell all seating tickets, then it's only fair that they be offered to away fans. To facilate this, the tickets need organised into sections with the furthest away sections being sold last.

Bulk selling of 250 tickets is not right.

Priority booking to supporters trust members, supporters club members and season ticket holders was a good move. I hope fans took advantage of this priority booking system to ensure they did not miss out on this high demand game.

It's disappointing that a few east fife fans are choosing to miss this game. Surely your love of east fife should outweigh any dislike for the opposition - whomever they may be. And why deprive yourself of seeing a famous east fife victory!?!

The club may have missed a trick by not using a voucher scheme ...... although it may not have been possible this time around due to the timing of the safety certificate being granted. I heard chatter about concerns of voucher forgery but IMO this would not have been an issue.

The club are learning and won't get everything right first time.

I hope it rains next week.

I hope bayview is safe for all those attending.

here here!

Re: East Fife v Rangers

Like many grounds, spectators pay more to sit in the stand than stand watching from the terracing. With that I have no problem. Where I think the Club have made a huge error is that they did not give the Fife fans the option of Stand or terracing. The Stand could have been split as normal and the terracing behind the sea end could have been made available to Fife fans.
Rangers charged the 350 or so East Fife fans an extra £1 at the last game at Ibrox and now our own club are charging our own fans £2 extra to watch the same teams. Massive own goal which is highly unlikely to encourage any lapsed fans back to Bayview and may in fact discourage some loyal fans from returning.

Re: East Fife v Rangers

Noisy Crossbar's post is spot on.

But where has this 250 rumour come from all of a sudden?

Shocking if true but I'm skeptical and think it's just some crossed wires maybe Zak.

Surely the club would have put a limit on the amount one person or organisation can buy.

Either way, a statement needs to be made asap that any Rangers fans in the home stand will be removed with no refund and it also has to be enforced.

Re: East Fife v Rangers

The stand vs terrace argument loses its validitywhen fans are given no choice where to view the game from. I'd love to be on the terrace, but no, we cant use it.

I was at Stenny 2 weeks ago. I believe we paid the same as the home fans and they the stand.

And besides, should there club not be trying to attract locals to come ands watch its every week. Not really sending out a positive message.

also, 3500 tickets given a two quid discount is a loss on revenue to the tune of 7k...
I'm sure we'd all have liked that on the balance sheet, hardly a fortune but it could go towards getting a bloody number 9 shirt to fit Liam!

Re: East Fife v Rangers

I think we have a good chance. A one nil victory for the fife is my prediction. Things are on the up

Re: East Fife v Rangers

Hugely disappointed that the East Fife fans who are being asked to stump up £5 extra for a league game are doing so to subsidise Rangers fans because of the terracing built to accommodate them. Should it not be the other way round? £18 for home fans and £16 for away, disgraceful!

Re: East Fife v Rangers

I raised my disappointment previously in regards to the increase of 27% for the Rangers game, now I learn it’s only for the home fans! Made a call not to attend through principle and now I have chosen to stay away until Lee Murray walks. Does anyone expect him to be with us once the Gers move out of this league? Well pissed off

Re: East Fife v Rangers

I'm not choosing to miss this game. It looks like I have no choice. Here we are, early doors on my first day off after the tickets went on sale, I'm just logging into AFTN to see if there's any update about ticket office opening time, and they're all gone.

I'm not too upset though. It's not like this is a 6 pointer, and I'm also reading our section might be infiltrated by away fans, which has really killed my thoughts of seeing this one. I'll have plenty other chances to see the Fife before the season's out.

I just want to make the point that the casual East Fife fan hasn't had much chance to buy a ticket at all. I bet there'll be plenty of enquiries at the club between now and the game, and many will be from genuine Fife fans, albeit the sort that don't attend regularly. Exactly the sort of people the club should be trying to target and bring into the fold.

The Rangers will be back on 1st March, if they're still solvent.

Hope you all have a great day. Hope the sun shines on the pink terracing. Hope the Fife record a famous win. I met Ian Black in the bookies, and he reckons that after their great run, you can get great odds on a wee upset.

Re: East Fife v Rangers

The tickets are selling like hotcakes.
For anyone buying, can I suggest you get down today Friday ASAP.

To EFFC fans I hope.
I know the club cant do much to ensure that the stand is for home support only, but I'd be pissed off if an orc was sat next to me.

I cant believe Fife fans will be surprised to have Rangers fans in the home end. Please dont come on to the aftn and complain next week because rangers fans are sitting in home end. How do you think the tickets sold so quick! It will be all the local rangers fans that would not be able to get tickets from Ibrox, as they dont go to the games. They will have their Jerseys on under their coats but wont be able to hide their blue noses. It will be the 1st home game i have missed this season and i chose to do that at the start of the season. I am not interested in the circus next week and as i have stated before these games will mean nothing to Fife by the end of the season. Senhousemuir got beat 8-0 and are still 2nd in the league.

Re: East Fife v Rangers

Hugely disappointed that the East Fife fans who are being asked to stump up £5 extra for a league game are doing so to subsidise Rangers fans because of the terracing built to accommodate them. Should it not be the other way round? £18 for home fans and £16 for away, disgraceful!

Think this is where people are going to get confused, it is £18 for a seat in the stand, £16 to stand on the (temp) terracing, this option or difference in pricing is no different from that offered by most other Clubs, the only argument that can exist here is that the Home fans were not given the option of standing or sitting!!!

But it also has to be said that if we were given this option there is absolutely no guarantee that the home support would have filled the terracing, and even if we did, we would just be moving and leaving behind us a half empty stand, at least this way, not only is it guaranteed to be full but the Club has not only covered it's costs but I would also assume still made a healthy profit, all for the good of the Club!!!

It was not so long ago we were crying out for a forward-thinking, proactive Boardroom with good business sense, now that we have one, the toy-chuckers are crying for them to leave because their noses are out of joint !!!

People need to realise that these games against SEVCO are Cash-Cows, nothing more, nothing less, they are nothing more than a sideshow and distraction to the bread & butter of real League business and all games against them, by all Clubs, should be treated as such!!!

Regarding this game, go or don’t go, the choice is yours, but no matter what YOU decide to do, the Club will sell this game out regardless and they should not be pilloried for trying to milk as much money out of this situation for the long term good of the Club as they possibly can!!!

Re: East Fife v Rangers

King Kebab
Hugely disappointed that the East Fife fans who are being asked to stump up £5 extra for a league game are doing so to subsidise Rangers fans because of the terracing built to accommodate them. Should it not be the other way round? £18 for home fans and £16 for away, disgraceful!

Think this is where people are going to get confused, it is £18 for a seat in the stand, £16 to stand on the (temp) terracing, this option or difference in pricing is no different from that offered by most other Clubs, the only argument that can exist here is that the Home fans were not given the option of standing or sitting!!!

But it has to be said that there is absolutely no guarantee that the home support would have filled the terracing if we were given it as an option, at least this way, it is guaranteed to be full and the Club has not only covered it's costs but also I would assume still made a healthy profit, all for the good of the Club presumably!!!

It was not so long ago we were crying out for a forward-thinking, proactive Boardroom with good business sense, now that we have one, the toy-chuckers are crying for them to leave because their noses are out of joint !!!

People need to realise that these games against SEVCO are Cash-Cows, nothing more, nothing less, they are nothing more than a sideshow and distraction to the bread & butter of real League business and all games against them, by all Clubs, should be treated as such!!!

Regarding this game, go or don’t go, the choice is yours, but no matter what YOU decide to do, the Club will sell this game out regardless and they should not be pilloried for trying to milk as much money out of this situation for the long term good of the Club as they possibly can!!!

But if they were going to milk as much money out of this game as they possibly can then why the reduced price for the away fans/terracing? There's no law to say you must charge less for standing so why bother? The glory hunters would have paid £18 and filled it just the same so we've done ourselves out of thousands.

Re: East Fife v Rangers


But if they were going to milk as much money out of this game as they possibly can then why the reduced price for the away fans/terracing? There's no law to say you must charge less for standing so why bother? The glory hunters would have paid £18 and filled it just the same so we've done ourselves out of thousands.

Really don't think you can charge the same for a temp seating, standing area with no amenities as you do for a for a permanent structure, with toilets, catering facilities etc!!!

It would be interesting to see what Gretna charged for their Temp stands during their rocket through the divisions!!!

Re: East Fife v Rangers

Kk is spot on with his assessment.

As for the loser who claims he won't be back whilst lee is there, get a grip, the guy has been tremendous so far and puts in a lot of hours trying to improve the club.

Re: East Fife v Rangers

Good points all rou nd KK but the problem is that this game is also a rare chance to build our own support. There was no need to risk a sense of unfairness. People are upset, that did not have to happen. If the Rangers game is a cash cow as you say, it well sell out anyway, and we don't care about them as they pass through our league, then it should have been £18 for every ticket. Fair's fair, and we maximise revenue, without upsetting our own fans as much as we have done

Re: East Fife v Rangers

King Kebab

But if they were going to milk as much money out of this game as they possibly can then why the reduced price for the away fans/terracing? There's no law to say you must charge less for standing so why bother? The glory hunters would have paid £18 and filled it just the same so we've done ourselves out of thousands.

Really don't think you can charge the same for a temp seating, standing area with no amenities as you do for a for a permanent structure, with toilets, catering facilities etc!!!

Yes you can. Absolutely no law against it.

Milk as much money as they can, you said...

Re: East Fife v Rangers

fair play
Good points all rou nd KK but the problem is that this game is also a rare chance to build our own support. There was no need to risk a sense of unfairness. People are upset, that did not have to happen. If the Rangers game is a cash cow as you say, it well sell out anyway, and we don't care about them as they pass through our league, then it should have been £18 for every ticket. Fair's fair, and we maximise revenue, without upsetting our own fans as much as we have done

I get the impression that this Temp Terracing idea was rushed through quite quickly and the Club has seen the only way to make it pay for itself immediately was to offer it only to the away support thus ensuring its usage 100%, the timescale that the Club has achieved this remarkable Ground-change in probably didn’t leave much time to garner Supporter’s votes or start voucher schemes etc. What I am saying though is purely conjecture, we don’t really know, for all we do know, it may actually have been a Police decision to only give the Terracing to the away support!!!

But the structure will be used at least another twice this Season, so there is plenty of opportunity to put such plans for a fairer share of the pie in place!!!

But in saying that, the Club should be applauded for being capable of implementing and then acting upon these plans in the ludicrously short timescale they gave themselves, honestly could you have seen such things happening during previous regimes???

And regarding the difference in price between Terracing and Stand, I’m sure there is something in place regarding facilities and amenities which are provided, I don’t think you can charge somebody the same price for the privilege of pissing in a Portaloo and not getting a pie as somebody who can eat and pee in the comfort of our luxurious Stand. The very reason it costs the same to stand or sit at Stennie is because you use the same toilets and eat at the same hut regardless of where you stand or sit!!!

Re: East Fife v Rangers

fair play
Good points all rou nd KK but the problem is that this game is also a rare chance to build our own support. There was no need to risk a sense of unfairness. People are upset, that did not have to happen. If the Rangers game is a cash cow as you say, it well sell out anyway, and we don't care about them as they pass through our league, then it should have been £18 for every ticket. Fair's fair, and we maximise revenue, without upsetting our own fans as much as we have done

A great port which I thin covers all

Re: East Fife v Rangers

And regarding the difference in price between Terracing and Stand, I’m sure there is something in place regarding facilities and amenities which are provided, I don’t think you can charge somebody the same price for the privilege of pissing in a Portaloo and not getting a pie as somebody who can eat and pee in the comfort of our luxurious Stand. The very reason it costs the same to stand or sit at Stennie is because you use the same toilets and eat at the same hut regardless of where you stand or sit!!!

Was the use of the Sauna, Steam Room and Jaccuzi the reason we were charged £1 more at Ibrox than the Rangers fans !!????

Re: East Fife v Rangers

Going back to the Club charging East fife fans £18 rather than the £16 the rangers fans are paying. There are going to be Fife fans at the game who haven't been at Bayview for a while. To make up for the extra money charged next week why don't the club issue a voucher for £3 off an adult admission for the next home game against Stranraer on 16th November. Those with a voucher could get in for a tenner and hopefully entice a bigger than normal crowd for the fixture and hopefully encourage more fans to return. This may also go some way to appease the fans who feel they are being mistreated by being charged more than the rangers fans.

Re: East Fife v Rangers

Going back to the Club charging East fife fans £18 rather than the £16 the rangers fans are paying. There are going to be Fife fans at the game who haven't been at Bayview for a while. To make up for the extra money charged next week why don't the club issue a voucher for £3 off an adult admission for the next home game against Stranraer on 16th November. Those with a voucher could get in for a tenner and hopefully entice a bigger than normal crowd for the fixture and hopefully encourage more fans to return. This may also go some way to appease the fans who feel they are being mistreated by being charged more than the rangers fans.

fantastic shout!

Re: East Fife v Rangers

I will be glad when this game is over! The thought of all the local gloryhunters sitting in our end cheering against your own local team disgusts me almost as much as being charged £18 for a normal league game. I hope it pisses down for the whole game and fingers crossed for a biting cold wind. Glad to say I won't be anywhere near Bayview next week.

Re: East Fife v Rangers

As well as the biting cold wind and the pouring rain how about if we all bring bread chunk it over the training pitch and hope for lots of seagulls. Once they have fed they then might just empty form a great height.