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Away From The Numbers

All good things come to an end. Or so they say. AFTN has been around since 1989, first as a fanzine and then making the jump to a website and forum in 2003. We've been through the many ups and down at East Fife in those 12 years but policing the forum has become a giant pain in the ass in recent years. As such, we made the decision not to renew it when it expired.

The forum is no more and will remain as a locked archive until it is eventually deleted by the host. We're looking in to try to save some of the content as an archive.

This is not the end of AFTN though. The site will continue and will be revamped and return in its full glory for the start of the 2016/17 season. Maybe even sooner. There will be a comment sections and possibly even a new, registered forum. Check our Twitter (@aftnwebsite) for all the latest info and we'll also post in on the EFFC memories Facebook page.

Until then, have a last browse here, thanks for all your support over the years, and 'Mon the Fife.



East Fife
This Forum is Locked
Watching a manager suffer delusion

Willie Aitchison has always talked a good game but his post match interviews are now painful to watch.

When he says that the opposition manager has apologised to him after the game, or has said to him that the best team lost, he thinks they really mean it. Willie son, they can see you are up to your neck in it and they are just trying to make you feel a wee bit better. The easiest thing in the game is to say nice things about the opposition when you have just beaten them.

The other car crash this week was Willie saying "we controlled the game from start to finish". How ironic then that we lost a goal at the start, and another at the finish. In between, our keeper had several vital saves and a defender kicked one off our line.

And as has become usual, someone got the blame for making a mistake. Willie criticised our goalkeeper for making the challenge that led to the penalty then in the next breath Willie says "but I'm not going to criticise anyone".

Somebody, please, put this man out of his misery.

Re: Watching a manager suffer delusion

I can't listen to him anymore, how the players and in particular Naismith having played in the prem and internationally how they can listen to it. God only knows the push they are having to listen to. The keeper yesterday commited himself because he had no other option. Other than I suppose to stand up and pull off a deano zoff style one handed save, just as willie would have done eh!

Re: Watching a manager suffer delusion

I don't bother listening to the interviews anymore because its the same every week. Its the same script.

1)We have been great in training
2)Tactics were spot on just let down by individual mistakes
3)We played great football
4)We are going to give a team a thrashing soon
5)The opposition manager said we didn't deserve to lose

Re: Watching a manager suffer delusion

....and soon people will stop going to games