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Away From The Numbers

All good things come to an end. Or so they say. AFTN has been around since 1989, first as a fanzine and then making the jump to a website and forum in 2003. We've been through the many ups and down at East Fife in those 12 years but policing the forum has become a giant pain in the ass in recent years. As such, we made the decision not to renew it when it expired.

The forum is no more and will remain as a locked archive until it is eventually deleted by the host. We're looking in to try to save some of the content as an archive.

This is not the end of AFTN though. The site will continue and will be revamped and return in its full glory for the start of the 2016/17 season. Maybe even sooner. There will be a comment sections and possibly even a new, registered forum. Check our Twitter (@aftnwebsite) for all the latest info and we'll also post in on the EFFC memories Facebook page.

Until then, have a last browse here, thanks for all your support over the years, and 'Mon the Fife.



East Fife
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Trust Bid for Twigg Sahres

Two weeks ago the Trust through its lawyers put in an offer to buy the 33,000 shares of S Twigg.
We have received a reply indicating our offer is not acceptable at this point in time.
We hope to use the financial resources we had identified for this purchase for future investment in the club should the opportunity arise.

We have received an indication from the Collumbine partnership that Mr Collumbine is happy to meet with us and we hope to arrange this within a few weeks.

In anticpation of the need to raise significant amounts of money we will be announcing soon a variety of ways in which we seek to do this.

Let us hope this is the beginning of the end of the current crisis.

Eugene Clarke
East Fife Supporters Trust Media Officer

Re: Trust Bid for Twigg Sahres

At last light at the end of the tunnel.

Re: Trust Bid for Twigg Sahres

Sorry Eugene. Your offer was knocked back so it is the beginning of the end of the cuurent crisis!

Why? Because you hope to have talks with Sid?

I wish people would not look on this bid as good news. Yes it will get rid of Brown. Possibly. Who knows he may be retained as the existing shareholders retain him. now would this not be the worst of all scenarios? Not only our triumphant chairman lording it over us all but held in place by only one group without the opportunity to sway several shareholders to break his hold. I do not know why this idea suddenly leapt into my mind and it seems most unlikely but given what has happened over recent years I must say it would not surprise me.

The reasons for this bid are what worry me. I can only see one reason for a total shareholding from a non-EF supporter. A financial killing. And where would that come from and by what means.

Re: Trust Bid for Twigg Shares

Go For It - I understand your concerns but we cannot as a Trust meet this news with total negativity. Mr Collumbine will meet with us in a few weeks time which will give us and (and him) an idea of what we are dealing with.

If the takeover goes ahead the last thing a Trust should be doing is shutting the door on the way forward. We owe it to our members to try and work with any potential new board.

I would have liked our initial offer to have been accepted but we have to work towards a goal of being involved with our club, whether it be with 2100 shares or 33,000.

Re: Trust Bid for Twigg Sahres

go for it, i don't mean to be rude, but you are talking shite

Re: Trust Bid for Twigg Sahres

"Sorry Eugene. Your offer was knocked back so it is the beginning of the end of the cuurent crisis!"

Did you not notice the words, "Let us hope"?

Re: Trust Bid for Twigg Sahres

"I can only see one reason for a total shareholding from a non-EF supporter. A financial killing. And where would that come from and by what means."

Sorry, but is this not the scenario we are in at the moment?? Brown, Twigg, Rankine etc. Please name the EFFC supporter among that lot.....

Re: Trust Bid for Twigg Sahres

I understand the Trust's position also as you will have to try to work with whoever is in charge. However even if this one bid is the best thing since sliced bread it will be a retrograde step in the furtherance of improvements of Scottish Football. It is obvious that this type of dictatorship can and has lead to abuse to the detriment of clubs that have been unfortunate to be in this position. It has been shown that the best way forward is more supporter involvement leading to positions on the board and holders of shares with the ultimate end of overall control of the club.

Regarding shareholding. Have you received you secpond tranche or been promised it to bring the shareholding up to 2100? And what about the interests of those shareholders like yourself who paid £4.50 and who are likely to have their holdings diluted by yet another share issue.

For someone who asked about go for it. It meant primarily and not necssarily in this order

1. Get rid of Brown
2. Get shares for the trust
3. get representation on the board.

Zak who usually pouts a load of piffle I suspect is correct in his assessment of B Black. His endorsement is not necessarily a good thing if you read his pronouncements in the press going back to Danskin's time.

The point is that the concerns are there and I would have thought the Trust would at least recognise them.

Re: Trust Bid for Twigg Sahres

Can I be a nosey bugger and ask what price was offered?

And to be even nosier, where are the funds are coming from?

Re: Trust Bid for Twigg Sahres

Eugene may have missed the "let us Hope".

Remember the old joke about the difference between a woman leaving church and a woman getting out of the bath?

The first has a soul full of hope. The second I'll let you use your imagination.

My hope is that we do not end up in the second catagory.

Re: Trust Bid for Twigg Sahres

Go For It, were you working for Decca in 1962?

Re: Trust Bid for Twigg Sahres

Eugene your spelling getting worse