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Away From The Numbers

All good things come to an end. Or so they say. AFTN has been around since 1989, first as a fanzine and then making the jump to a website and forum in 2003. We've been through the many ups and down at East Fife in those 12 years but policing the forum has become a giant pain in the ass in recent years. As such, we made the decision not to renew it when it expired.

The forum is no more and will remain as a locked archive until it is eventually deleted by the host. We're looking in to try to save some of the content as an archive.

This is not the end of AFTN though. The site will continue and will be revamped and return in its full glory for the start of the 2016/17 season. Maybe even sooner. There will be a comment sections and possibly even a new, registered forum. Check our Twitter (@aftnwebsite) for all the latest info and we'll also post in on the EFFC memories Facebook page.

Until then, have a last browse here, thanks for all your support over the years, and 'Mon the Fife.



East Fife
This Forum is Locked
I've had my T in the Park

So there was I at the weekend tuning into BBC3 to see what musical treat they had in store - often at the weekend it's opera or something similar - and what do I find but wall to wall bloody T in the Park!

I suffered a few minutes of this unstructured and formless cacaphony then gave up listening and instead paid attention to the crowd.

Was there ever more effective evidence of the self-centred nature of youngish people today than the sight of thousands of smug self-indulgent people being conned by both musicians and traders into supporting the complete commercialisation of culture today.

According to one report there were 75000 over the weekend. Where do they go when political protest is demanded? Where's their sense of morality. At least in the sixties we had a sense of idealism and tried to convert that into direct action.

How many of the consumerists at Balado have ever taken part in any political action? How many even bother their arse to register to vote?

A great success? No. T in the Park is simply the epitome of the consumerist society at work - and the numpties that attend think they're taking part in something meaningful!


Re: I've had my T in the Park

Bah humbug!!!

Re: I've had my T in the Park

Re: I've had my T in the Park

Maybe the world's a better place than it was in your day Eugene.

Folk are the same whatever generation they come from.

Re: I've had my T in the Park

Eugene, I pretty much agree with you, you commie b@stard

Re: I've had my T in the Park

In that case Igor I may need to rethink my position.

Re: I've had my T in the Park

What a lot of complete and utter wank! Can people no longer enjoy themselves? Are you so much better than that 75000? Or are you just much older and boring? I think the latter will apply!

Re: I've had my T in the Park

I didn't know we were meant to go there to try and do something meaningful. Ten years of going and nobody tells me that. Damn. I thought I was just to go to have fun. Why didn't you tell me sooner?

Still I've got my tickets booked for next year already, so will try to be more meaningful then

Re: I've had my T in the Park

The BBC3 coverage was dismal, made me not want to be there, even though part of me did.

Re: I've had my T in the Park

Got Sunday's coverage on tape but not watched any of it yet. Would have had Saturday's too if my temperamental dvd recorder hadn't packed up.

Wasn't as good a line up this year, but still a few good bands.

Still too many arseholes there though.

The amount of people that can't be bothered waiting and just want to piss anywhere beggars belief. People of all ages and sexes.

Still all the neds too.

And why someone wants to be so wasted at 1.30 on the Saturday afternoon that she can hardly talk or stand is beyond me. She must have spent a fortune to see fuck all. Makes me glad Mrs GoF doesn't drink

Re: I've had my T in the Park

odds on you watch big brother eugene.Boring BUGGER.

Re: I've had my T in the Park

T in the park was the best weekend of my life!

i was on tv yasss!

oh and eugene, cheer up :D