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troubled waters quizzie

i was just watching this one and i still enjoy how ben gazzara directed it..he made it fun right from the beginning where columbo is racing all around trying to find his wife.

and if there are any naysayers out there that believe that columbo made up his wife, this episode proves that he actually had one since the captain, patrick macnee, actually saw her.

some of these may be a bit hard, but i have faith in my fellow lovable columboites!!

okay..on with the quiz...

1. what was the name of the boat...erm...i mean the ship?

2. what brand of locks are used on the ship?

3. what color is the button on the phone for 'room service'?

4. what is the name of the device used by danziger to cut the keys?

5. what is the top document that is in lloyd's strong box when danziger places the gun receipt in it.
(there is a big hint in my question)

6. what city is rosanna welles from? danziger mentions it when he visits her cabin for the first time.

7. after danziger has his 'heart attack', what does he say he feels like he's 'been kicked by'?

8. (multiple choice) as danziger changes into the waiter clothes he sets the waiter uniform on to what?
(a) a fridge
(b) an ironing board
(c) a dresser
(d) columbo's head

*INTERMISSION: poupee is singing Volare!*
okay, she's still singing but i'll continue on.

9. this is a toughie, but what was mr. and mrs. columbo's cabin number? (a hint: it starts with the initial of his name, and the 2 digit number is 26 years after peter was born.

10. what is the name of the ship's photographer who purser watkins/bernard fox refers to as 'a very discreet chap'?

11. what would columbo have vomited up if he had indeed up-chucked when at the crime scene in rosanna welles' cabin?
(JUST kidding!!)

12. what was the caliber of bullet that killed her?

13. what was the name of the gun?

14. what was the name of the drug that columbo takes to fight off his seasickness? (i used to work for pharmaceutical companies and i once had to choose a name for the 'generic' brand. i chose 'dimenol'...the bosses liked it a lot!)

15. the lovely mrs. danziger, jane greer, says to columbo at one point, 'hayden hasn't disappointed me yet, if he ever does ___ ____ ___.
fill in the blanks.

16. when the magician does his trick on stage of letting his lovely assistant shoot a gun at him through some cards, what card is the top one that he shows to the audience?

17. double question........when columbo meets with danziger at the bar/lounge, danziger orders drinks for him and columbo...what were they? and how many sips did columbo take from his drink?

18. and finally, columbo hums his signature song..'this old man' in this episode...when does he do it?

Re: troubled waters quizzie

I can get 15, minus maybe one word. I'm pretty sure it's either "God help him" or "Heaven help him."
(I think the second one.)
18 is during the next-to-last scene, where he's demonstrating all the evidence about the gun to Danziger.

Re: troubled waters quizzie

Wow this is a toughie!

I can provide 2 answers:
Ving locks and a Curtis Cutter.

Re: troubled waters quizzie

Aviator Frank
Wow this is a toughie!

I can provide 2 answers:
Ving locks and a Curtis Cutter.

2. what brand of locks are used on the ship?

yes, frank, they were all ving locks.

4. what is the name of the device used by danziger to cut the keys?

and close enough, it is called a curtis clipper.

Re: troubled waters quizzie/DUD QUIZ

yes, a DUD indeed! i guess they all can't be winners.

i know no one is sitting out there with bated breath , but here are the answers.

1. what was the name of the boat...erm...i mean the ship?

'the sea palace''s mentioned right at the beginning when columbo meets with the captain and purser, while he's looking for his wife.

2. what brand of locks are used on the ship?

ving locks, since as the purser says to danziger, it's a norwegian ship.
*aviator frank got this one..yay!*

3. what color is the button on the phone for 'room service'?

the button is red. danziger tells this to columbo when columbo says that his wife can't wait till dinner to eat.

4. what is the name of the device used by danziger to cut the keys?

it's called a curtis clipper. danziger says this to columbo when they were sitting in that cafe/bar thingy having scotch.
*aviator frank got this one too...yay again!

5. what is the top document that is in lloyd's strong box when danziger places the gun receipt in it.
(there is a big hint in my question)

the document is is a life insurance policy from 'lloyd's insurance company, LTD', and hence lloyd's name in my question was the hint.

6. what city is rosanna welles from? danziger mentions it when he visits her cabin for the first time.


7. after danziger has his 'heart attack', what does he say he feels like he's 'been kicked by'?

a mule!

8. (multiple choice) as danziger changes into the waiter clothes he sets the waiter uniform on to what?
(a) a fridge
(b) an ironing board
(c) a dresser
(d) columbo's head

the answer is an ironing board...down in the laundry room.

i originally added this rest spot
*INTERMISSION: poupee is singing Volare!*
but even though i'm not watching the show right now, i need a break because my fingers are falling off!

9. this is a toughie, but what was mr. and mrs. columbo's cabin number? (a hint: it starts with the initial of his name, and the 2 digit number is 26 years after peter was born.

i gave enough clues here to choke a horse here..or may i say a mule. ...but the answer is C53

10. what is the name of the ship's photographer who purser watkins/bernard fox refers to as 'a very discreet chap'?


11. what would columbo have vomited up if he had indeed up-chucked when at the crime scene in rosanna welles' cabin?
(JUST kidding!!)

no answer needed, i was just being siily

12. what was the caliber of bullet that killed her?

a .38

13. what was the name of the gun?

a british weatherby

14. what was the name of the drug that columbo takes to fight off his seasickness? (i used to work for pharmaceutical companies and i once had to choose a name for the 'generic' brand. i chose 'dimenol'...the bosses liked it a lot!)


15. the lovely mrs. danziger, jane greer, says to columbo at one point, 'hayden hasn't disappointed me yet, if he ever does ___ ____ ___.
fill in the blanks.

'God help him.
*Grant got this one..yippee!*

16. when the magician does his trick on stage of letting his lovely assistant shoot a gun at him through some cards, what card is the top one that he shows to the audience?

the queen of hearts

17. double question........when columbo meets with danziger at the bar/lounge, danziger orders drinks for him and columbo...what were they? and how many sips did columbo take from his drink?

two scotches. and columbo only takes one small sip

18. and finally, columbo hums his signature song..'this old man' in this episode...when does he do it?

in one of the last scenes as columbo is examining the surgical gloves.
*Grant got this one too...yippee again!*

okay, that's a wrap...i'm exhausted, so if there are any typos and such, please excuse me.

Re: troubled waters quizzie

yes, a DUD indeed! i guess they all can't be winners.
It wasn't uninteresting, just very difficult!

Re: troubled waters quizzie

It wasn't uninteresting, just very difficult!

yes, you're right, i know it was difficult,tffff. and i'm sorry that i made it so tough.

i think some of them could have been answered by the clues i gave within the questions, but it really doesn't matter.

i once did a similar kind of quiz, possibly once again on 'troubled waters', (but i'm not sure)..but when i did that one, someone mentioned that it could have been a 'watch-along' kind of in, you watch the episode as you're solving the questions. in that quiz i didn't include any clues in the questions.

whichever, it won't defeat me to post another quiz in the future...............beware!!

Re: troubled waters quizzie

I can get 15, minus maybe one word. I'm pretty sure it's either "God help him" or "Heaven help him."
(I think the second one.)
18 is during the next-to-last scene, where he's demonstrating all the evidence about the gun to Danziger.

15. the lovely mrs. danziger, jane greer, says to columbo at one point, 'hayden hasn't disappointed me yet, if he ever does ___ ____ ___.
fill in the blanks.

you got it grant. it's "God help him"

18. and finally, columbo hums his signature song..'this old man' in this episode...when does he do it?

you got this one too. when he's examining the evidence and the surgical gloves.

Re: troubled waters quizzie

It's a little aggravating, but I immediately thought of Dramamine when I first saw the question about the seasickness medicine. But Dramamine is such a famous name, that that made me a little SUSPICIOUS of it as far as it being the answer (that's often how it works with quizzes and trivia questions).
The part about Mrs. Columbo and room service vs. dinner made me think for the first time, that there's a connection between this episode and The Poseidon Adventure. Columbo and his wife would be counterparts of Mr. and Mrs. Rogo (though I doubt Mrs. Columbo is a former prostitute who met her husband through his being a cop). I also imagine Mrs. Columbo as being like Mrs. Rosen in the first parts of The Poseidon Adventure - a well-meaning busybody when it comes to the other passengers. But none of that occured to me till just now.

Re: troubled waters quizzie

It's a little aggravating, but I immediately thought of Dramamine when I first saw the question about the seasickness medicine. But Dramamine is such a famous name, that that made me a little SUSPICIOUS of it as far as it being the answer (that's often how it works with quizzes and trivia questions).

ahhh grant, but you know i would never try to 'trip you up' (ruth lytton, 'old fashioned murder')

i credit you with the answer because you just thought about it, yet didn't post it. it's good enough for me.

Re: troubled waters quizzie

Final question: Why is Danziger stupid enough to scrawl the letter in lipstick on the mirror? Melodramatic or what?