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Rejected Score For "Greenhouse Jungle"

There's a new book about to come out called "Torn Music" which is all about music scores that were rejected or replaced for numerous film and TV projects over the years. The reason why this is of interest to Columbo fans is that there's one section noting that Oliver Nelson's score for "Greenhouse Jungle" was in fact a replacement score.

I'm hoping to have a copy of the book within a week (it's available from Amazon but on 7 to 10 day delivery only) and find out this production story and how this came about. Those who are interested in film music in general would also find it worth a read I think.

Re: Rejected Score For "Greenhouse Jungle"

Sheesh, even though I got the book at the time it came out it takes me three years to finally post the follow-up regarding this story! And only because I was watching "Greenhouse Jungle" tonight and couldn't help but think how Oliver Nelson's score really doesn't sound right for this episode. It's much too "up" for want of a better term and doesn't really fit the mood of the scenes of the fake kidnapping and plans etc.

Anyway, the composer originally hired to score this episode was Paul Glass, who wrote a score that was considered much too unconventional for the producers. In an interview, he explained that because Milland's character collected flowers and was such a "difficult person" that "I decided it would be a good idea to write a kind of concerto for heckelphone named so because it ws produced by the Czechoslovakian Heckel factory. This very strange-sounding low oboe was possibly the reason the producers didn't like the music."

So on short notice, Nelson was brought in instead, but I really wish they'd found a way to get Gil Melle back because this is the kind of episode that seems to call for a score more in his vein of S1 episodes as opposed to those that called for a Goldenberg style score.