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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Columbo filming locations - LA

Hi Columbo Fans!
I hope you can help.... I am going to LA in March and wanted to re-visit some Columbo filming locations in LA. Can you recommend any?
I am aware of Big Bear Lake from "Murder by the book"
Palm Springs Cable car from "Short Fuse" and that's all I am afraid!
Any help and advise would be very much appreciated :-)

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA

Do a search using 'locations' as your keyword and you'll get a few years of posts (mainly from headache!) of filming locations in and around LA. Enjoy your trip!

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA

'Blueprint For Murder' Building
“Century Park Plaza”
Century City

'Any Old Port in a Storm'
Mirassou winery in Jan Sose that was Carsini Wineries

'Lovely But Lethal'
851 Sand Point Road
Carpinteria, CA 93013

The Stahl House used in 'Prescription Murder'

If you do go to those locations it would be great to see some photo's on this forum.

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA

"Mirassou winery in Jan Sose that was Carsini Wineries"it's wrong. Carsini Wineries is 2880E Airport Dr Guasti

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA

Does anyone know the theater where The Great Santini performed in the episode 'Now you see him (1976)'?

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA

Interior at 34:39: most likely, "The Magic Castle 7000 Franklin Av Los Angelès".
Exterior at 00:09: certain, "Universal City Decorate LA" today demolished to ¾ (remains the ¼ left part)

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA

Dear Ghera. When I first saw what you said was Carsini Wineries from the street view on East Airport Drive I thought yes that's it, but upon closer inspection there were too many differences in the building. So I looked at the aerial view and it suddenly hit me....the location is not from the East Airport Drive view but from the other side of the building which is not visible. So pausing the dvd at certain points where Columbo tell Carsini about there being no water marks on his brothers car, I could see quite clearly the filming location almost to the exact spot. The shape of the gable ends of the building are identical, eveident from the aerial view, look behind Carsini at the end of the building. The building behind and to the right of Columbo is still there (the one directly behind him has been flattened) and the rail lines to the left of Columbo are in plain evidence on the aerial view.

Well done Ghera, you are a 🌟

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA

some help for you for your project list

he popped over to london to do the jon ross show about the book and he was by buck palace in one of them (scottish play one)

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA

Thank you so much everyone, my list is growing so definitely post some pictures when I come back end of March. I am drivig around LA so getting to all wont be a problem.

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA

Thank you so much everyone, my list is growing so definitely post some pictures when I come back end of March. I am drivig around LA so getting to all wont be a problem.

Still don't have much of a life do you? I'll buy a crock of BS like that when I see the pictures. You see, I don't believe for a single second that a forum cling-on like you is going to visit LA, let alone with the intent to seek out Columbo filming locations, but let me suggest in the meantime that you quit robbing old ideas from the archive and try coming up with a few of your own.

I know that's asking a lot of a lying sycophant, but you've been plaguing this forum with your make-believe entries for so long now, one should expect you to be able to. I for one, know that's impossible, because for years, you've been stuck on using the same insipid style of deception to pull the wool over eyes that can't see.

If Colleen was around, even she would agree that your tired old game has gotten rather old. Why don't you just go away dipso, and go find yourself a part time job?

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA

If Colleen was around, even she would agree that your tired old game has gotten rather old.

Please don't drag Carleen's name into your drunken rant.

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA

Why don't you believe that someone would travel to see Columbo locations? I do things like that all the time. It brings back good memories. I try to visit Mission Impossible locations, ABC Movie of the Week locations from the 1970's. I thought that I was alone in doing this, but it is nice to know that other people like this also. Internet has made us realize that we are not alone, maybe a little weird, but we have company. I'm from NYC, so if anyone wants info about stuff filmed here, let me know.

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA

I´m from Denmark - Copenhagen and love Columbo. I have found some Columbo filming locations on the internet and found them throgh google street map. Last year I visit some locations when I was on holiday in California. We are many who love that

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA

Some Columbos were filmed in Newport Beach, CA; specifically on:

Balboa Island:
at the ferry landing
the bridge from the Big Island to Collins Island

Linda Isle:
the bridge area
view shots of Promontory Point

Newport Bay

Balboa Bay: sailing shots and some interior shots showing the view outside

I know because I lived there for 25+ years :)

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA

In "Dead Weight", the establishing scene of the house, and scene where Eddie Albert docks his yacht "The Iron Horse", and speaks with Columbo on a Spanish tile patio, is 2 Collins Island, Newport Beach (Bay). Using Google aerial view, the dock and patio are easily seen from above. Of note, the yacht in the establishing scene, and the one Eddie Albert pilots, appear to be different yachts. The name on the yacht in the establishing scene, though barely discernible, seems to have a different name on the stern than "The Iron Horse" he docks later.

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA




It would be very interesting to see the 'Now' pics.

Maybe a google streetview screen grab......anyone here got the co-ordinates?

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA

Hello, These places of these 2 photos no longer exist; They were demolished. For the remaining part left and still existing today are its coordinates: 34 ° 08'28.91''N 118 ° 20'41.36''O

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA

Does anyone know the location of the Devlin house (near ocean) and the O'Connell mansion from The Conspirators? Might be obvious to LA locals? Never found either of those on the list of filming locations. Thanks!

(FYI- First time poster. Great site, btw! I've been a fan of both Columbo and this site for years).

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA


For the house Devlin:
By deduction, when viewing the film, the change of plan between 02'19 '' and 02'28 '' is done without break by a panorama. At 02'28 '' we find ourselves at the point of coordinates 34 ° 01'79''N / 118 ° 47 '21.72''O (Paradise Cove).
The Devlin house was therefore likely to be located around 6830 Zumirez Dr in Malibu.
For the O'connell mansion:
Address "Doheny Mansion St Mary's College Chester Pl"

For my part, in the episode "Ashes to ashes", I still have not found the residence of Verity Chandler as well as the residence of Sheik Yarami. If you have any information, I am a taker. Thank you.

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA


Surprised that there is no map of Columbo filming location. A Columbo "map to the stars" if you will.

Re: Columbo filming locations - LA

Hello. After further research, Devlin House is well located around 6830 Zumirez Dr in Malibu and more precisely at 6728 Zumirez Dr . Cordially