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The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

I've found what looks like a recent photo of Poupée Bocar who played Rosanna Wells in "Troubled Waters" (1975).

 photo PoupeeBocar_zps522d4303.jpg

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

That's Barbara Feldon, Agent 99 on "Get Smart". Don't know when the photo was taken. She's 80 years old this year.

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

That's Barbara Feldon, Agent 99 on "Get Smart". Don't know when the photo was taken. She's 80 years old this year.

You're correct, oops.

I was looking for photo's of Poupée, they were all old photo's of her when she was young, except the photo above. The text with the photo said it was Poupée Bocar.

She does look like an older version of Poupée, so I was convinced.

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

Indeed ... How on earth could anyone mistake Barbara Felden for Poupée Bocar? However, she did appear in two episodes of "Get Smart" which may explain why the two names were associated.

I posted a shot of Bocar taken in 2004 some time ago. She was thirty years older of course, but still looked good. I searched around for it, but it was taken down. Interestingly enough, her stint as Rosanna Wells in "Toubled Waters" was her final screen appearance.

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

I never heard of Barbera Feldon until this thread. I heard of get smart but never watched it.

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

Don't tell me you never heard of Barbara Feldon!

I never heard of Barbera Feldon

I ASKED you not to tell me that!

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

That's Barbara Feldon idiot.

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

Looks like Agent 99 from Get Smart, Barbara Feldman

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

I would like to inform you that this is not a photograph of Poupee Bocar but is, I am fairly sure, one of the actress Kate Linder.

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

Sorry Mitch, That's Barbara Feldon of "Get Smart".

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

She looks great! Too bad Columbo episode she was the victim. Wish she had gone on to do more TV in 70s and 80s. I'm just now finding out about her watching Columbo on MeTV.

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

She married Grant Griffin and goes by poupee boccaccio. Still sings and sells her art work

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

I just watched her perform @ Indian Wells Resort Hotel with her long-time pianist Rich Bono tonight. She sings and moves exactly as she did when she appeared in Columbo. They are regular performers there on most Wednesdays. They're on again next Wednesday, 1/18.2016. They do take a break from time to time.

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

That's a photo of Barbra Feldon of "Get Smart"

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

Oh for heaven sake, can you please take this pic of Barbara Feldon down! You've never heard of Barbara Feldon.... SMH.

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

I think we've all had enough of "The old dig up the pointless thread!" trick.

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

I think we've all had enough of "The old dig up the pointless thread!" trick.

I agree Eric. It's especially annoying when someone dives into the archives void of their own inspirations. That's why many former contributors have long since abandoned the forum, myself included. I only stop in every once in awhile these days to see what's going on, or if I have a fresh point of view to post. Other than that, the DVD's placate me just fine.

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar

The image is actually of Barbara Feldon - Agent 99 of the 1960s Get Smart show - looks pretty recent like in the last few years.

Re: The rarely seen Poupée Bocar
Here she is performing in 2015 She goes by her birth name Poupée Boccaccio now. Talk about aging gracefully!! She would have been about 75 in the clip.