The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Re: answer to last week's riddle (no winners I'm afraid)

Why don't you just go away? Spend your energy in finding yourself a date that doesn't want to be seen with a loser like you. I know that's asking a lot, but the pursuit would spare the regular contributors to the Columbo forum the indignity of putting up with useless cads like you.

Re: answer to last week's riddle (no winners I'm afraid)

I will be busy devising the next riddle. I speak on behalf of all fans when I offer you this advice: do not post comments which are put downs. If you can't work out the riddle try asking for help. Do not resort to put down comments. If I had time I myself would guide you through the steps you need to take to solve the riddle. But I have no time to do this. So for the next riddle read it carefully (3 times) and jot down notes as they occur to you. Do not make put down comments, just try harder. I will make the next riddle easier for you. Best of luck and best wishes with it. Remember ask for help if you get stuck but don't give in and resort to such comments. Come on, you can do it. I know you can, if you try hard enough. I do not want you to feel inferior if you can't get it. Remember, my experience of columbo is quite extensive so what might seem easy to me might seem difficult to you. That is no reflection on you. It really is not the case that you're deficient. You're just trying something that might be a bit advanced for you. Keep trying.

Re: answer to last week's riddle (no winners I'm afraid)

Aw, boo, I didn't think about that one! Thanks for the work you put into the riddle, Derek!