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Re: Episodes that are almost perfect

"Murder By The Book" for me is 100% flawless up to the last scene. I still don't see how a five year old note scribbled by Jim Ferris is the solid piece of "gotcha" evidence that can nail Ken Franklin as the killer and make him crack as he does. As I understand (and maybe this was in the paperback novelization, but it is alluded to in the Columbo Phile), the reason why the alibi was never used in a Mrs. Melville novel was because Jim couldn't think of a way for Mrs. Melville to break it. To me, what could have sold the idea was if Jim had scribbled notation-"Ken finally has a truly brilliant idea for a Melville mystery etc. It's a shame I can't think of how to use it properly." Something like *that* which reveals how this kind of design is something that was so unique to Ken Franklin would have constituted strong evidence that would have made me accept the payoff clue more. As presented, it came off weak IMO.

Re: Episodes that are almost perfect

That's a great observation about "Candidate for Crime", Wendy! It is odd that Nelson has this whole plan made out in advance. I can't remember exactly, but it seems as though "Forgotten Lady" and "Playback" have similar set ups, where in the former, for instance, Grace plans to murder her husband before she even approaches him about financing her. And I agree, "Candidate" is a wonderful episode, with a good mix of humor and tension, though those plot holes you pointed out certainly are striking when one considers them.

Derek, I think you're absolutely right about "Exercise in Fatality". Peter Fischer was such a brilliant contributor to the show, and I see "Exercise" and "A Friend Indeed" as his two greatest episodes. (And really two of the greatest in the overall series)

You make a good point about "Murder by the Book", Eric! When Columbo says, "With this, I think I have a conviction", it almost is completely anti-climactic, for the reasons you noted. I feel that low point is slightly redeemed by Franklin's sort of "ending speech", which I think is one of the strongest performances Jack Cassidy gave in the series (also I think the eerie version of the episode "theme music" played during that scene packs quite a punch to the otherwise lackluster conclusion).

Re: Episodes that are almost perfect

Eric: Columbo doesn't read out all of the note. We can only assume that something else is written that provides more conclusive evidence.

Re: Episodes that are almost perfect

I like Exercise in Fatality, too, but how is Columbo ever going to get a conviction based on the top loop of the shoe lace? Of all the gotcha moments, that one is the most clever, but will not necessarily hold up in court. And unlike other murderers, Milo Janus never confesses at the end. He never asks Columbo, "How did you figure it out?"

Best part of that episode? The fact that Milo Janus has his own theme song, and it's great!!

Re: Episodes that are almost perfect

I kind of have trouble with that aspect of the ending, too. What makes it a little more binding for me, though, is the statement Milo made earlier about what Gene supposedly told him over the phone regarding Gene having changed into his gym shoes, showing that Milo had information at that time that he couldn't have had, unless he had been involved with putting the shoes on Gene himself. Of course, since that earlier statement was only recorded in writing by Columbo's hand, I suppose Milo could claim that Columbo had concocted it out of thin air. What might be a little stronger evidence is if Columbo had that statement written by Milo himself, or better yet, if Columbo had secretly tape recorded Milo's affirming the statement several times during that final scene.

I love that theme song, too. If only the members of Milo Janus's fitness gyms could have witnessed his brutal crime, the cheery vibe of that song would take on a whole new, creepy dimension!

Re: Episodes that are almost perfect

I don't know if you were alive in the 70's, but daytime tv had a lot of happy jingles and theme songs, including Jack Lalanne, among others. The fact that the writers-music composers took the time to write a theme song just for this episode is a real bonus, a classic touch.

Does it matter if Milo knows that Gene changed into his gym clothes unless Columbo can prove that Gene was murdered before his clothes were changed? In other words, if the "top loop" of the shoe lace doesn't hold up in court as proof that the murderer changed Gene's clothes, than the fact that Milo claims Gene told him he had already changed doesn't prove anything. Gene could have changed his own clothes and died by accident afterwards, or had been murdered by an intruder after changing clothes. Without the "top loop" evidence, he can't convict. Let's hope it holds up because it is rather clever!

Re: Episodes that are almost perfect

Don't forget the spliced tape where Gene Stafford must have said "Hello Jessica, this is Gene Stafford, is he there?" In court it might be hard to explain why that section of the tape was gone. The laces were the kicker, but the false alibi where Milo went, etc. would all help add up to conviction.

I also love the jingle, can't get it out of my head for a day or two after watching that episode each time.

Re: Episodes that are almost perfect

I was born in '82, so I missed out on the '70s, but I'm quite fond of that era. What really cemented that fondness pretty early on was "Columbo", actually; that and "In Search of...", which I would watch together weekday mornings on the A&E network in the early 90s (they're still my two favorite shows ).