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Re: Columbo Food and Recipes

In honor of the clue in "Double Exposure," ...

Caviar Varieties and Terms:
*The type in "Double Exposure" is listed as "royal Iranian beluga" in the subtitles/script.

How to Eat Caviar (Columbo double-dips -- don't YOU make this mistake! *grin*):


Interestingly, my Columbo DVD collection came bundled with "surprise episodes" of the Mrs. Columbo show, and one of her episodes was also based on caviar being employed by the killer. I guess Hollywood script writers assume cops and journalists eat caviar with wild abandon.

Re: Columbo Food and Recipes

Columbo aficionado and analyst here... the Caprese salad (if you look carefully while it's being prepared, then the crunch when Columbo eats the first piece) also had a red onion in it..

I thing that's a very important part of the recipe..