The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Your Favorite Season Of Columbo

Mine is Season 4:

An Exercise In Fatality
Negative Reaction
By Dawns Early Light
Troubled Waters
A Deadly State Of Mind

All great films, i believe

Re: Your Favorite Season Of Columbo

I pretty much agree about Season Four, but I'm funny about the first two for a reason apart from the actual episodes. Even though I don't like to go overboard when it comes to connecting things with their "periods," I'm funny about anything that says "Early ' 70s." Of course, Columbo episodes aren't incredibly full of "period" things, but that isn't what I mean. I mean that just seeing the AIR DATES from the first two seasons is enough to make me kind of funny about them.

Re: Your Favorite Season Of Columbo

Season One is the best, yet it is the best of the best.

Re: Your Favorite Season Of Columbo

I think I'd probably say both Season Three and Four. I agree that all of the Fourth Season is outstanding (well, I feel "Troubled Waters" is a little bit weak), and the only episode I felt really stuck out as bad in the Third is "Lovely But Lethal". Of course, every season contains at least one show that is a tremendous masterpiece, but even those that aren't quite as good are still exemplary. My own sense as to why Three and Four seem so thoroughly satisfying is the presence of Peter Fischer as both a writer and story editor. I feel he did a wonderful job in depicting a logical, coherent progression in Columbo's pursuit of the murderer; from what I recall, Columbo never just instantly "knew" who the killer was in any of the episodes Fischer was involved in. And he was great at writing good humor as well as tense confrontations, a balance that seems a little off in many other episodes.

Re: Your Favorite Season Of Columbo

I agree with David. It is difficult to explain, but in my opinion there is a freshness to the first season episodes (and to Falk's portrayal of Columbo in them) that was never quite matched later on - though the later seasons have many great episodes as well.

Re: Your Favorite Season Of Columbo

That is a tough call! I have favorites in every season, but thinking back to what really inspired me when I initially saw the seasons, I would have to say it was the exotic flair of the 5th season that really captured my imagination. Overall, 3rd and 4th are probably my faves (3rd favoring slightly higher), but look at all there was to learn about the world, in the 5th season, for those of us who weren't well-traveled...

A Case Of Immunity - diplomats!
Identity Crisis - spies!
A Matter Of Honor - arriba!
Now You See Him - ...Nazis?? Ok, sure, why not!

It was pretty exciting, to my inexperienced young mind. :)

Re: Your Favorite Season Of Columbo

Yes, season five found the Columbo films changing slightly. In many cases the shows seemed a little more experimental, and perhaps a little less clear cut, with regards to the plot, and the motives etc. 'A Case Of Immunity', and especially 'Identity Crisis', seem a little less obvious with regards to motive, and even to a point, 'A Matter Of Honor' which isn't really simply about the murderer being wronged, in some way. 'Last Salute To The Commodore' also is by far the show's biggest departure, of the seventies series, anyway.

What's great about season 3 and 4 also is perhaps the fact that some of the murders possess a degree of sympathy, perhaps, on behalf of the viewers. The Donald Pleasence, Johnny Cash, and Patrick Mcgoohan characters. especially, unlike many of the murders from the early seasons, may not have been truly bad people.

I believe too that season three may have had the better films than season 4, excepting perhaps the more mediocre 'Lovely But Lethal', and 'Mind Over Mayhem'. Season 4 is great, but i think the padding on 'An Exercise In Fatality' does blunt its effectiveness somewhat. I believe The Columbo Phile makes a very valid point here, on this occasion.