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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Columbo Planting Seeds

Often times throughout the series Columbo would help the case along by planting seeds of doubt in the suspect, either directly with the help of others close to the suspect, or just by the Lt. himself in a subtle manner only known to him.

Examples of subtle manipulation with faked clues/actions:
- The false airline tickets to Phoenix and the wife's car lie in College
- The potato in the tailpipe in Brimmer's car
- The phony cigar box in Short Fuse
- The 'cat out of the bag' fabrications at the end of A Trace of Murder
- The pearl in the umbrella in Dagger

Then there's the outright trap techniques that involve others' participation:
- Involving Leslie's daughter in the suitcase of money in Ransom
- Adrian Carsini's famous vintage Ferrier Port restaurant scene
- One of the best ones: Artie 'You can make it up on your next payment' Jessup!

Any other suggestions?

Re: Columbo Planting Seeds

In 'Publish or Perish', Columbo tells Riley Greenleaf that if he finds the key
that Eddie Kane used to get in the office to commit the murder, then he'll find the killer. Greenleaf takes the bait , hires a locksmith to make a key and plants it at Eddie Kane's apartment.

Re: Columbo Planting Seeds

Another I noticed was in "Swan Song" in which Columbo plants a seed in the mind of Tommy Brown (Johnny Cash) about the Boy Scouts being sent out to comb the mountain for the thermos. Tommy was afraid they would also find the parachute he hid inside a rotting log. But, as you know, there WAS no Boy Scout troop being sent there. Just a ploy to lure Tommy to the area to retrieve the parachute, which he did, and Columbo got his man.

Re: Columbo Planting Seeds

Great topic, Frank! I have always been a little bit curious as to some of the episodes where it seems like Columbo jeopardizes a witness or someone related to the case in this way, just to "plant seeds": as the character is written, I don't think he would actually do that, but it comes up again and again. One example would be (as was already mentioned) where he sent back the daughter/step-daughter to try to get the evidence in "Ransom." That woman, he suspected, was a killer, and the daughter was now technically standing in her way, too (though why she didn't off the daughter as well, I will never know).

I realize it's a little tangential to the original topic, but there are so many incidences of this; for example:

- He jeopardizes witness's identity by planting seeds in "Dead Weight" in that he didn't deny that it was someone on the marina who made the report, when the General is clearly trying to determine their identity, and by pointing out that he didn't say it was a man, when the general assumes as much. He could have just let him assume, but that narrowed it down significantly for the General, thus allowing him to get to a witness.

- In "Greenhouse Jungle," he tells the blonde former assistant enough facts of the case that it gets her thinking, but of course fails to mention that Jarvis is a suspect, and she goes back to collaborate with him regarding the gun and nearly gets shot (she says that Cathy has it, but Jarvis initially thinks she's going to implement him).

- The guy who plays Steinmetz in "Identity Crisis" hired Lawrence to be the go-between. Columbo lets Steinmetz know that they have a lead on Lawrence, which leads to his near-death at the hands of Steinmetz.

Re: Columbo Planting Seeds

Oops: When speaking about "Greenhouse Jungle," obviously I meant that Jarvis thought the blonde was going to "incriminate" him, not "implement" him (look out, she's got a trowel!). Spell check is apparently only useful if you've had coffee and get in the ballpark of the correct word. :)

Re: Columbo Planting Seeds

No offense to Columbo, but endangering Gloria West (even unintentionally) is about the biggest crime I can think of! Arlene Martel has always given me an incredible crush on her. (If only Tony had just decided to let Cathy go off with Ken - he would've survived and maybe ended up with Gloria too!

Re: Columbo Planting Seeds

In Prescription Murder,the fake suicide of Joan Hudson showed what lengths Columbo would go to,to get his man.