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Re: Last Salute To The Commodore

Love the Columbo doll in your picture, BTW! Well, I'm glad it isn't just me, then. Robert Vaughn, the original, perceived murderer, seemed as though he was walking around (when he was walking around!) in a stupor. Columbo moved slower, did a lot of mumbling to himself, and I thought several times that the whole thing was just going to grind to a complete halt. And I thought: Was it the director? Is this the way he wanted it to be paced? Was it the story, the script? Sometimes I felt as though no one was at the helm, as though everyone was just doing their own thing. I watched it and I sort of shook my head because it was so unlike other episodes. It made me feel like, what a dud!

Re: Last Salute To The Commodore

For me, "Commodore" is a wonderful episode. The only other non-documentary, fictional series I've ever followed, "X Files", had its own prominent oddball episode, "Jose Chung's From Outer Space", but that, to me, wasn't nearly as successful a departure as "Commodore" is for "Columbo" (Peter Falk was so great at comedic acting that an extreme veer into a heightened eccentricity seemed to come naturally for him). Though I can understand how many fans dislike the awkward, stilted pace, I feel it adds greatly to the humor, and it's a joy to hear so many lines that would be bland and unfunny on their own, being infused with such hilarity by the brilliant delivery. I would imagine that the script itself, without detailing the sort of absurd nuances McGoohan and the actors gave to those characters in the actual production, would be very awful indeed. I think it's to their credit that they were able to make that inferior plot into a uniquely engaging show.
But, again, I can understand those who dislike it.

Re: Last Salute To The Commodore

Did you notice Robert Vaughn's character, how often he stood to one side with the mannerisms of one in a trance? It seemed his mind was not there with everyone else, like he was on another planet, or something. However, I did laugh when Columbo kept putting his arm around Vaughn when they sat side-by-side, and the expression on Vaughn's face! That also seemed out of character for Columbo to do, but it was funny! You must pardon me concerning this episode, but it seemed out of kilter with with the rest of the series, so much so that I sat watching and thought, "What IS it with everybody here? Are they sleepwalking?" Watching it almost makes me feel uncomfortable--does that makes sense?

Re: Last Salute To The Commodore

I watched this episode tonight and got on line just to look up information about it as I thought it was so weird. I watch Columbo a lot and this is my least favorite episode. Everyone seems stoned on the show. It's the only episode I do not like. So ironic this thread was started today as I was looking information on it.

Re: Last Salute To The Commodore

Yes, stoned, that's the word! I haven't seen all the Columbo episodes in depth. I watched them when I was younger, esp. the earlier season, but was too preoccupied with other things during the later incarnation of the show. But I don't remember any of them being as lethargic as this one. I don't know who was to blame for it, but I didn't like it. And that's really saying something for me, because I am such a great fan of Falk's and Columbo.

Re: Last Salute To The Commodore

It looks as though Bryce and I are nearly the only ones who are fond of it.

Re: Last Salute To The Commodore

Hated this episode,it's the only one i've never watched again,that business with the watch makes me cringe,and i agree the acting was so boring to watch.Lucky for us every barrel has only one bad apple.

Re: Last Salute To The Commodore

I am fond of the episode too... the way Columbo almost hugs everyone just disarms me XD