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Agenda For Murder 1973?

I'm developing a real appreciation for the 90s episodes.

I noticed Agenda for Murder was made with the exact same formula as any classic 70s episode, all of the classic elements are there, camera angles, great acting, unusual scenes like Columbo and Finch in the hotel auditorium, Columbo jogging to catch up to the suspect etc. It seems there was a conscious effort to create an episode written and produced just as if it were 1973. It worked and it's one of the all time best episodes.

I used to feel betrayed as if the 90s were just cheap knock offs, but now I'm noticing that a lot of the 90s episodes actually do follow the classic formula and are great shows. They feel different, they feel lighter. Maybe it's the acting. And Columbo is 20 years older, this can't be helped, I think Peter played Columbo as it felt natural to him. But I am starting to really enjoy the 90s, Bird in Hand, Jackpot, Uneasy Crown, Trace of Murder, these are very good episodes. Nightlife was in my top 10 the first time I saw it. So tonight I am going to revisit Murder in Malibu and then Ashes to Ashes. There really is a lot to like about the 90s!

Re: Agenda For Murder 1973?

'Agenda For Murder' is a good episode, i agree, and as with a number of the other 'new' Columbo episodes, it works fine within the context of a 90s cop drama series, in other words, in comparison with many other contemporary crime drama series from around the early 90s period. Taken on it's own terms it works well. However, placed alongside the many Columbo episodes from the 70s, i'm less inclined to find it quite so impressive.

I have a great deal of respect for Patrick Mcgoohan's contribution to Columbo, in the newer series', as well as the episodes from the 70s. However, and despite him being a great deal more striking in his role as the murderer than many of the other 90s actors, his character, Oscar Finch, seems pretty one dimensional when compared to his more subtle character portrayals in 'By Dawn's Early Light' and 'Identity Crisis', which seems a great deal more 'layered'. Maybe that's pretty much a reflection of tv in general, in more recent times, where given the opportunity to dig a little deeper, or just take the more obvious route, the temptation is to play safe. Many of the 70s shows are a great deal more detailed, i feel, and can be watched multiple times, simply because there's a great deal more content to be found. In the 70s, what strikes me, was that the writers/producers, treated the audience with more respect, with regards to the viewers possessing a great deal more intelligence to actually latch onto the more delicate/intricate touches. The 'new' Columbo's for me, really do fail to transcend the moment, in quite the same way, as to dig that little bit deeper. That, of course, is not to say some of them aren't enjoyable on their own terms, of course.

However, for me, the later 'new' Columbo's generally are wildly uneven in terms of their quality, and success rate. Sometimes the stories are good, but the delivery from the cast isn't especially striking (including the killer), where there's a problem with Peter Falk and his suspect hitting it off convincingly, as in the chemistry being fully there. Other times, the plot isn't great to start with, which seems to happen more frequently, when it's decided to veer away from the formula, to a large degree.

I suppose some later Columbo episodes may be preferable to the worst of the 70s episodes, although there are few of those 70s episodes i dislike ('Last Salute To The Commodore' isn't a favorite). However, the 'feel' of the 70s Columbo's is always better, for me. I really don't see those 'new' Columbo's as being seen as anything more than an after thought in years to come, within the catalog of Columbo films. The 70s really was the right moment for Columbo - the writers were more inspired, Peter Falk was younger and at his peak - and also the guest stars were just so much more striking and memorable! Not to mention the music, and camera angles, the decor, and a host of other things!

Re: Agenda For Murder 1973?

I agree with you....I used to think there was less effort put into creating memorable new episodes, but now that I'm watching them again I see it wasn't lack of effort it's just that it's 20 years later and this how they came out. Most of them are written just like the 70s. They used contemporary TV actors and scenes and put the formula to work and this is what we got. I'm really starting to appreciate them a lot more than I had in the past. The one noticeable difference is that Columbo doesn't seem to hold any underlying animosity toward the suspect while taking apart their alibi, this is one element that is noticeably missing. But I'm having great fun watching them again. Tyne Daly in Bird in Hand really is a classic! I haven't seen Self Portrait mentioned here I thought that was an absolute classic the first time I saw it.

I haven't watched Columbo in a over a year and now that I'm watching them again I am getting new impressions even from ones I've seen many times, I'm finding a whole new enjoyment from them again. Did I forget that the book Franklin gave Lilly was titled "Prescription Murder" I don't remember noticing that before, it's not like me to forget something like that, so there are little things I'm noticing all over again it's great fun.

Re: Agenda For Murder 1973?

Yes, i do believe some of the episodes would rank considerably higher, if they had belonged to the 70s era Columbo, where there existed a much more distinctive, and much higher caliber, of acting. Something does get lost in the translation between storyline and the end result on screen - that i have no doubt. Much of the potential subtlety tends to get lost somewhere in those 'new' Columbo's although i'm not quite sure that's the whole story. There are a few stinkers in terms of plot devices too.

The first season of the 'new' Columbo's isn't bad, had it not been for an uninspiring, and occasionally unconvincing delivery by the members of the cast. Peter Falk, especially, seemed pretty ill at ease in those first few shows, i feel, in getting back into playing his role. He seemed to lack any kind of edge, for much of the time, and had it not been for the fact that he had pretty much made the Columbo character his own, at the show's outset in in the early 70s, it would have been doubtful he would have made it past the casting director on his late 80s form. There's something to be said for the amazing legacy he afforded that role back in those early days. He was pretty much irreplaceable in that role.

I often feel it is the 2nd and 3rd seasons of the 'new' Columbo, where the show truly begins to find its feet. Falk seems much sharper, and plays the role with much more vigor at this point, although not quite at his 70s peak, and the show begins to have a vibrancy which i feel was lacking in those initial 'new' episodes. 'Agenda For Murder', 'Uneasy Lies The Crown', 'Caution: Murder Can Be Hazardous To Your Health' and 'Columbo Goes To College' are very entertaining episodes. I was surprised to learn that 'Uneasy Lies The Crown' was originally scripted for a Macmillan episode starring Rock Hudson. Steven Bochco's old script was actually reused for Columbo.

Re: Agenda For Murder 1973?

Interesting fact about Uneasy....

I just watched Grand Deceptions and it's as good as any top 5 70s episode. It has drama, strong tension between Columbo and the suspect etc. all of the elements are there. It didn't leave much of an impression the first time I saw it, but now that I'm used to the feel of the new episodes I found this one to be on par with the best of Columbo.

Re: Agenda For Murder 1973?

I'm not sure i'd rank 'Grand Deceptions' too highly. I find it a rather dour episode of Columbo, which very much lacks a sense of urgency, in terms of there being much really driving the episode forward. There's a sense of blandness surrounding Robert Foxworth, too, which is very much indicative of the feeling i get from the other actors given the task of taking on Columbo, in those other episodes from the first season of the 'new' Columbo.

I believe the second season to be better generally, who's episodes i feel are much brighter, and sharper, and have a greater sense of purpose. A lack of conviction remains a problem in part, too. However from the second season, up to, perhaps, 'Death Hits The Jackpot', the show, generally feels more vibrant and vital. Patrick Magoohan, George Hamilton, Dabney Coleman, and Rip Torn, actually play off Peter Falk fairly well, and although i perhaps wouldn't rival their performances with some of the best from the seventies series, they are still light years away from what we had become more accustomed to with some of the more recent choices of actors chosen to play opposite Falk. There are times, however, i felt a little sorry for Peter, because with shows like 'Murder In Malibu', and 'A Bird In The Hand', a sense of pantomime, within some of the actors, began to rob the show of its credibility. I was never convinced of Andrew Stevens portrayal in 'Murder In Malibu', or pretty much the rest of the cast of that show, either, Falk aside, and although the plot wasn't especially bad, the show as a whole was fairly unconvincing. Tyne Daly in 'A Bird In The Hand', played her role with more conviction, but i've always had a hard time convincing myself that her drunken demeanor, at the shows outset, could ever seriously, constitute what eventually transpired in her being the actual killer. I always felt that there was just too big a gap to bridge. 'It'a All In The Game', is another show i'm not particularly keen on, despite Peter Falk, contributing the basic plot, and the praise it had afforded to it at the time.

However, a show like 'Rest In Peace, Mrs Columbo' was very interesting, and certainly to a degree, effective, even if the storyline, which veered off the more typical Columbo plot, seemed, perhaps, a little too contrived.

Some of the shows are entertaining, even if the plots seem especially hard to swallow - 'Columbo And The Murder Of A Rockstar', and 'Columbo Goes To College' being perfect examples.

After 'Death Hits The Jackpot', in my opinion, the show began to lose what fire there still remained, and for me, few of the remaining shows truly stand up, after initial viewings.

Re: Agenda For Murder 1973?

I think your description would apply better to Guillotine than Grand Deceptions, but I agree with all of what you said.

I posted this because I took a break from watching Columbo and now I'm surprised to find the 90s episodes so much better than I remember. It's been a good time going through these again. I still have plenty to go, most of them I've only seen once. The ones I've watched several times are College, Agenda, Crown, Trace, Bird, and Nightlife. All of the rest will be almost like new to me.

I thought Deceptions was great after seeing it again, the first time I didn't really understand how the books in the box were so incriminating. This one is a winner for me.

Re: Agenda For Murder 1973?

'A Trace Of Murder' is a very good episode, too. It tends to come out of the blue, because for me, some of those more recent shows were quite mediocre by the standard of a number of the earlier 'new' Columbo's, not to mention the superior classic seventies series. I really did feel with 'No Time To Die', 'A Bird In The Hand', 'It's All In The Game', 'Strange Bedfellows'', and 'Undercover', the show was on a downward spiral, but 'A Trace Of Murder' following on from these is a nice surprise. The effectiveness of the acting from the cast was a huge step up, in my opinion. The show was arguably Shera Danese's best role in a Columbo show, too. It's up there with 'Agenda For Murder', 'Uneasy Lies The Crown', 'Caution: Murder Can Be Hazardous To Your Health' and 'Columbo Goes To College' as one of the better 'new' Columbo's.

I think though, a huge handicap with some of those later Columbo's, is the condition of Peter Falk's voice. Beginning with the final season of the original seventies Columbo series, Peter Falk's voice begins to lose some of its clarity. With the first season of the 'new' Columbo's, this is extremely noticeable, and tends to be a distraction from the storylines. By the second and third seasons, his voice improves greatly, but by the last dozen or so episodes, i find it a real challenge at times being able to decipher what he's saying. I'm sure age has a lot to do with this, and although it's rarely mentioned in fan forums, etc. i think it is a real issue, which sometimes is even a bigger problem than, say the quality of the plots, the choice of music, and some of the excessive use of humor.

Re: Agenda For Murder 1973?

hi J Wilton Jones,

I love the 90s episodes and that's what got me interested in COlumbo in the first place. Agenda for Murder is an episode I fondly remember when I was in high school and it's my favorite episode.

Re: Agenda For Murder 1973?

The 90s episodes took some getting used to, so the first time I watched them there was some disappointment, then after not watching them for about a year and having lower expectations, I discovered there were some really good episodes there.